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2009 red Ski Nautique

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-03-2025 at 5:43am

Topic: 2009 red Ski Nautique
Posted By: Fl Inboards
Subject: 2009 red Ski Nautique
Date Posted: October-18-2022 at 6:24pm
Well the Red 2009 196 went to new owners last Saturday. A bitter sweet day for Team Seal as we have had the boat basically from day 1.
It was the Masters work boat from 2012-2019
Team Seal practice work horse from 2019 til last Saturday.
probably the strongest pulling jump boat i have ever owned yet sweet slalom pull.
Hopefully it will give the new owners as much great performances and enjoyment as it did us.

I will be resurrecting a 08 196 that was roughed up in the hurricane of 2018. will post photos of it resurrection and refit,


Hobby Boats can be expensive when the hobbyist is limited on their own skill and expertise.

1993 Shamrock "fat" 20. 2008 Nautique 196 5.0

Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: October-18-2022 at 6:26pm
I really liked that boat, maybe my favorite TSC3 of all.

Posted By: 75 Tique
Date Posted: October-18-2022 at 6:46pm
Yup.  Always one of my favorites too.  Thought you had sold it years ago but then saw posts here and there that indicated you still had it.

“So, how was your weekend?”
“Well, let me see…sun burn, stiff neck, screwed up back, assorted aches and pains….yup, my weekend was great, thanks for asking.”

Posted By: Donald80SN
Date Posted: October-20-2022 at 11:23am

That was one of my all-time favorites too.  How many hours did you end up putting on it? 


1980 Ski Nautique SOLD Back to Cypress Gardens
2002 Sport Nautique, GT-40, FCT2, Cover Sports, Tower Bimini, Inc., Wet Sounds Audio System, Star Gazer Wake Edition S.
1968 Ski Nautique, Project.

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