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Decals for 1989 SN2001

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Category: Repairs and Maintenance
Forum Name: Boat Maintenance
Forum Discription: Discuss maintenance of your Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-06-2025 at 9:23pm

Topic: Decals for 1989 SN2001
Posted By: brhillman
Subject: Decals for 1989 SN2001
Date Posted: September-07-2023 at 4:49pm
Hey All. We are hoping to get to renewing the gelcoat on our 89 SN2001 this winter. We have a bit of oxidation to cut through, and the existing decals are a little banged up anyways, so I'd like to strip all the decals off to be able to properly wet sand and polish. Before doing that though, I was hoping to secure replacement decals, or at least have a plan for how to move forward. I've run across a few forum posts here about the 89 graphics, and best I can tell they just are not available, and would be difficult to replicate. When we contacted Nautique Parts, they suggested using the 88 side decals with the small 89 side 2001 decal (which incidentally, they do have in stock). The 88 decals look like a similar gradient (maybe waffle-ish?) pattern that seems like it would look nice, but not combined with the small 2001 from the 89 if they don't match exactly. So, going with all 88 graphics (minus the 2001) might be okay, as long as there is not too bad of ghosting around the transom decals (different text between 88 and 89) and around the small 2001 which would not end up being be replaced if they didn't match close enough. I'm curious though, has anyone tackled this recently? Anyone have luck getting the 89 decals reproduced, or is it not worth the cost/effort? I did find these folks who have a "replica" 89 graphic, but it says it's from a picture, which I've heard will likely not turn out well on the curved hull. And their graphics are significantly more expensive than the stock 88 from Nautique Parts:" rel="nofollow -

Anyone try these? The 88 decal set from Nautique Parts:" rel="nofollow -

And, some pictures of the decals on our 89, and a few that show some of the oxidation we are dealing with:" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">

Anyone have any close-up photos of the 88 style decals for comparison? It's difficult to tell from the photos I can find online and from Nautique Parts website. Thanks for any information and advice anyone can share!

Posted By: samudj01
Date Posted: September-08-2023 at 4:10pm
Yours look good! Would you post pics of the hull sides. I haven’t done any decals on 89s (or any 2001s at that) but have followed most threads and have seen a lot of ghosting and replacement decals that didn’t fit just right and/or weren’t the correct pattern. My take: leave the original on and work around them. They look good except the gash on the K. I think you can clean up the gel and will be happier with factory graphics than piecing them together and probably have ghosting issues. Just my $0.02.

78 Ski Tique, 72 Skier w/302's, 93 SN w/351 & 17 GS22 w/zr409
Previous - 99 Sport Nautique w/GT40 and 87 Martinique w/351

Posted By: brhillman
Date Posted: September-08-2023 at 5:03pm
I definitely have considered just leaving them and working around them. The decals themselves aren’t in terrible shape. I guess with anticipating having to do a bit of wet sanding to cut through the oxidized layer, I just figured it would be harder to get a good result on the gel leaving them on. But having never done this before, other perspectives and experiences like that are much appreciated!

Posted By: audiodude
Date Posted: September-08-2023 at 9:10pm
There was a post about the decals from Garzon Studio by the member who had them made.  I messaged him and he told me that he was very particular about them being correct for the 89.  He posted a picture of them on his boat and they looked great.

2000 Ski Nautique 1989 Correct Craft 2001

In the words of Milton Berle: "You can lead a man to Congress but you can't make him think"

Posted By: brhillman
Date Posted: September-08-2023 at 11:41pm
That’s good to hear. I’m curious how well they’ve held up to fading. They certainly are a lot more expensive than the stock ones from Nautique Parts. And they do mention an option to recreate from a tracing of originals for exact size/shape match. Worth it if they hold up well enough to some sun exposure. Maybe not so much if they need to be replaced every few years.

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