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Transmission Issue Please Help

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-13-2025 at 8:48am

Topic: Transmission Issue Please Help
Posted By: DMorgan91sn
Subject: Transmission Issue Please Help
Date Posted: June-02-2024 at 3:33pm
I found water in the fluid of the pcm40 1:23-1 trans in my 91. The problem traced back to a faulty cooler. The transmission fluid was a light gray and it had a low viscosity, the transmission will engage immediately in reverse but it slips when trying to engage in forward. I managed to ease the speed up to 28 but the rpm was sitting on about 3200 so it is slipping a good bit. I have tried to flush as much of the watery fluid out. Please let me know of any suggestions. Thank you in advance for any assistance.

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: June-03-2024 at 7:47am
Since you're at the point of always slipping in Forward, there's really no good news for you to hear.

You could try some more fluid changes, but grayish oil seems to tell me that there are metallic wear products in the oil and the damage has been done. The slippage isn't going to go away and will probably just get worse.

What do you have for oil in the transmission,  ATF or 20w engine oil?

The PCM's aren't very tolerant to water before internal parts like the forward clutch drum start to crack and you lose forward clutch pressure and get slippage that you can fix with disassembly, close inspection and new parts.

Those new parts aren't available anymore unless someone has them buried on a shelf somewhere.

The sorta good news is that PCM sells a newer, beefier, more durable PCM 80A transmission in a kit with a new damper plate and cooler that will fit in it's place.

The bad news is that the cost of the kit is about 4500 bucks if you do the install yourself. 

Posted By: DMorgan91sn
Date Posted: June-16-2024 at 8:44pm
Thanks for the info. I have manage through using an Amsoil transmission flush to get the fluid back to the “red” color after it has been idling for about 20 min. I am also fixing a hole on the silent rider replacing the bilge pump and the blower hose as they are all still factory parts on a 3400 hour boat. Adjusting the throttle and shift cable now and then a water test after I finish that (hopefully tonight). Just pull my girls 125 max weight slalom and barefoot so I hope it will get okay for that until school starts. No tubes or large hairy mammals such as myself until it has been throughly ran with the smaller skiers in my home. Thanks for the info.

Posted By: DMorgan91sn
Date Posted: June-16-2024 at 8:49pm
Forgot to answer: Valvoline non synthetic dex/merc is the fluid I am using. Thanks again.

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