Step 1.....find the boat, don't worry about whether it's been run or whether the thermostat is open
Step 2.....drain the engine and manifolds and put drain plugs back in
Step 3,4,5 same as your step 3,4,5.
If you drain the water first, it's hard to screw up.
When you suck in your 5 or 6 gallons, it fills the empty engine behind the thermostat first and with the engine full, any more antifreeze that goes in goes out the exhaust.
If you don't drain first, you have a lot better chance of screwing up and having a freeze problem because there's mixing that happens in the engine doing it your way and you don't get the same level of protection.
A gallon of antifreeze in doesn't push a gallon of water out, it mixes in all the cooling passages and a diluted mix stays in the engine after your bucket is empty.
Lots of people do it your way and depending on where they live, they never have a problem because it doesn't get cold enough to freeze and crack the block with the diluted mix or they're just lucky.
Lots of marinas do it your way but circulate the mix and check the protection level with a refractometer and add antifreeze to the recirculating solution till they get the desired reading.
Everybody has "their way" of winterizing, but if that way doesn't include draining first, you're just that much much closer to having a problem.
Oh yeah, one other thing I should mention...... DRAIN FIRST
It lets you sleep better on that coldest night of the year too, instead of tossing and turning andwondering how the boat's doing