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351 main seals replacement

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Category: Repairs and Maintenance
Forum Name: Engine Repair
Forum Discription: Engine problems and solutions
Printed Date: February-18-2025 at 1:55am

Topic: 351 main seals replacement
Posted By: Ginovv
Subject: 351 main seals replacement
Date Posted: January-07-2025 at 2:01pm
Good evening all

Our oil pan was leaking and I had to take the engine out of our BFN 1994.
This was new to me and everything went pretty well. The oil pan came out easily and I'm sending it to a welder.
Decided to replace the damper plate and both of the seals while I'm at it. 

the question is that I can't seem to find the correct seal. On summit they dont have any reverse rotation rear seals, I emailed them and they said it doesn't matter left or right. Watching several youtube videos and reading on fora tells me there is indeed a difference. 
I also know that I have a 1-piece seal (1983-2001) and not a 2 piece seal. I read this somewhere on this forum. 

I have found 2 items on ebay and I want to know if these are the right ones (ones on skidim are overpriced and they charge a ridiculous amount of shipping)

Rear main seal 351 RR: http://" rel="nofollow -

edit: seems the one i posted earlier wasn't for reverse rotation. this one from Summit is RR.
Front seal alone:Fel pro 17795:  http://https//" rel="nofollow -
Fel pro 17760 :  http://" rel="nofollow -

Could you guys be so kind to confirm I have the right one? Smile

I could also need some advice in replacing them, so if you guys have any tips, let me know!

Thanks in advance
Keeping this old boat runningSleepy

Gino van Vroonhoven
Belgium, Europe

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: January-07-2025 at 7:30pm
Your links didn't work, but here are a couple of links to EBAY, maybe the same ones you had" rel="nofollow - link  to rear main seal for Reverse rotation 351w   CS 4592RV" rel="nofollow - link  to Reverse rotation front seal  FP 17795

Both of those seals will work for you

And here's a link to an old thread with some seal discussion and an alternate part number for the front seal SKF CR18562" rel="nofollow - link

The FP-17795 and the SKF CR18562 are both smooth seals with no wick lines. The normal rotation front seals have wick lines, but any RR seal you can buy these days for a 351W are smooth......but they do the job. 

PS......that 17760 seal that you mentioned fits a Chevy so I think I'd avoid that one. Wink

Posted By: Fl Inboards
Date Posted: January-08-2025 at 8:38am

Hobby Boats can be expensive when the hobbyist is limited on their own skill and expertise.

1993 Shamrock "fat" 20. 2008 Nautique 196 5.0

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: January-08-2025 at 6:01pm
Originally posted by Fl Inboards Fl Inboards wrote:

I seem to think that Gino is probably not exactly interested in your Skidim link and that's why he posted his questions in the first place

Originally posted by Ginovv Ginovv wrote:


I have found 2 items on ebay and I want to know if these are the right ones (ones on skidim are overpriced and they charge a ridiculous amount of shipping)

Posted By: Ginovv
Date Posted: January-09-2025 at 4:31am
Originally posted by KENO KENO wrote:

Your links didn't work, but here are a couple of links to EBAY, maybe the same ones you had" rel="nofollow - link  to rear main seal for Reverse rotation 351w   CS 4592RV" rel="nofollow - link  to Reverse rotation front seal  FP 17795

Both of those seals will work for you

And here's a link to an old thread with some seal discussion and an alternate part number for the front seal SKF CR18562" rel="nofollow - link

PS......that 17760 seal that you mentioned fits a Chevy so I think I'd avoid that one. Wink

Thank you so much Keno, once again!

Indeed they were the same as the once I linked.
And that 17760 seal said it would also fit 351w...  so thank you for clearing that out. 

Thanks again!

Posted By: Ginovv
Date Posted: January-09-2025 at 5:22am
Originally posted by Fl Inboards Fl Inboards wrote:
Thanks for the link, but like i said they ask outrageous prices for shipping. I guess they dont like international customers.
Normally I always shop at Nautiqueparts, which are also very helpfull. Unfortunately they dont stock these seals. 

I went to see how much it would cost me at Skidim

Seal: 61.40 dollar
shipping: 67.98 dollar!!

total of 129.38 dollar

Where as now, I pay 53.50 euro with shipping. (seal 27,.. + 17 shipping + 9 dollar vat)
So it's def worth looking for part numbers etc Smile

Posted By: Ginovv
Date Posted: January-09-2025 at 5:57am
Just one more question

I also removed the oil sump filter from the engine. A friend of mine told me to backwash it to get rid of any slush.
Although I didn't have any slush, I did remove it. 
There is a small diamond shaped gasket, does anyone have number or link for that? 
Or are these just universal?


Posted By: Fl Inboards
Date Posted: January-09-2025 at 8:34am
Hi Ginovv,

We have no control over shipping cost as well as we offer only oem or first quality components where Amazon and E-bay the quality is usually cut rate and low service life.
Our staff at Nautique parts as well as Discount inboard marine are very knowledgeable and strive to support our customers at the highest level possible. Amazon and E-bay can not do that.
Our overseas support and ability is second to none. you have an issue with our parts you can immediately get answers and usually a replacement part will be sent or refund or store credit.
Again we are sorry about the cost for such a small item as a seal, we have no control over that aspect of doing business.
Thank you.
Jody Seal / Senior tech, support/ NP/DIM

Hobby Boats can be expensive when the hobbyist is limited on their own skill and expertise.

1993 Shamrock "fat" 20. 2008 Nautique 196 5.0

Posted By: Ginovv
Date Posted: January-09-2025 at 10:00am
Originally posted by Fl Inboards Fl Inboards wrote:

Hi Ginovv,

We have no control over shipping cost as well as we offer only oem or first quality components where Amazon and E-bay the quality is usually cut rate and low service life.
Our staff at Nautique parts as well as Discount inboard marine are very knowledgeable and strive to support our customers at the highest level possible. Amazon and E-bay can not do that.
Our overseas support and ability is second to none. you have an issue with our parts you can immediately get answers and usually a replacement part will be sent or refund or store credit.
Again we are sorry about the cost for such a small item as a seal, we have no control over that aspect of doing business.
Thank you.
Jody Seal / Senior tech, support/ NP/DIM

Hi Jody

nothing personal, dont get me wrong.
but I do notice a difference in shipping prices at NP. So that's why I order there and not at Skidim.
Ofcourse I am aware of the lack of service/support provided by ebay. 
If NP had it in stock, I would most def ordered it there. Already ordered several times there, always with acceptable shipping rates. 
Maybe next time!

Posted By: Fl Inboards
Date Posted: January-09-2025 at 10:06am
The gasket you are requesting info normally comes in gasket kits for rebuild.
Being where you are might be a stretch to locate as a singular gasket. i think if it was me i would make a gasket from locally sourced material. also it is a dry application gasket.

Hobby Boats can be expensive when the hobbyist is limited on their own skill and expertise.

1993 Shamrock "fat" 20. 2008 Nautique 196 5.0

Posted By: Fl Inboards
Date Posted: January-09-2025 at 10:11am
Just so you realize, Nautique parts and discount inboard marine now are operating under the same roof, parts come out of the same warehouse.
i can look into why DIM shipping prices may be different then NP shipping prices. it just may be a glitch in the system.
Thank you and for your concerns as well as feedback are greatly appreciated.

Hobby Boats can be expensive when the hobbyist is limited on their own skill and expertise.

1993 Shamrock "fat" 20. 2008 Nautique 196 5.0

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: January-09-2025 at 2:03pm

The oil pump suction strainer gasket you need is Felpro 72607, it costs a few bucks.

It's too bad that there's nobody who could put the 2 seals and the gasket in a shipping envelope and send it to you in Belgium. One shipping fee and 3 reasonably priced quality parts

I think I might know someone Wink

Send me a PM with your address over there and I think it could happen

We'll just call it one "hobbyist" helping another one.

Ps......I noticed that the Ebay rear main seal got sold, but there are other places with the same RR seal for under 30 bucks.

Edit.....the Ebay seal is still there

Posted By: Ginovv
Date Posted: January-24-2025 at 2:29pm
Originally posted by KENO KENO wrote:


The oil pump suction strainer gasket you need is Felpro 72607, it costs a few bucks.

It's too bad that there's nobody who could put the 2 seals and the gasket in a shipping envelope and send it to you in Belgium. One shipping fee and 3 reasonably priced quality parts

I think I might know someone Wink

Send me a PM with your address over there and I think it could happen

We'll just call it one "hobbyist" helping another one.

Ps......I noticed that the Ebay rear main seal got sold, but there are other places with the same RR seal for under 30 bucks.

Edit.....the Ebay seal is still there

Hi Keno

How kind of you to arrange something for me, I didn't see it untill just now.
I actually got the small oil strainer gasket at a USA car shop for 10 euro. (dannycars Houthalen voor de belgen onder ons)
The rear main seal I bought from Ebay from the link you got me. 
And the other seal (CR 18562)  I got from Imes Dexis which is also a Belgium company for 18 euro.

But thanks anyway Keno, always appreciate the help from all of the ''Grand-Poobahs'' of this amazing forum!

I will also put in some photo's and so it might help someone else in the future. 

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: January-25-2025 at 11:15am
Glad you got the parts you were looking for. Wink

A few times, I've shipped small stuff like this to a few different countries over your way and it was pretty reasonable pricewise.

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: February-16-2025 at 1:10pm
I figured I'd add a little information here for the next person looking for a 351w Reverse Rotation rear main seal.

Gino originally asked about a seal on EBAY from Panther Products

Then somebody brought up the seal from SkiDim

Then there was mention of other seals in the same price range as the one on EBAY being available. (Alex's Parts in one of the links to an old thread}

One place that wasn't mentioned that also sells the same RR seal is US Seal" rel="nofollow - link  to US Seal website" rel="nofollow - link  to the seal

At US Seal you need an account and there's a 50 dollar minimum order but it's easy to find some other good deals there.

If you were to have a seal from each of those places in front of you (like I did), you'd find that they're the exact same seal and they are made by EOK Seals in Taiwan.

The part number on each of the seals is CSR4592RV with the EOK logo also on each of them. They may have a different part number from each seller, but they're all the same seal.

Just throwin' it out there, you'll find a price range from about 6 bucks to about 60 bucks when it's in a plastic bag with a PCM part number
I figure you can spend your money however and wherever you want to Wink

Here's a picture of the seal with the part number and EOK logo highlighted" rel="nofollow">

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