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"2001’s" becoming...overpriced?

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-01-2025 at 3:09am

Topic: "2001’s" becoming...overpriced?
Posted By: nates78ski
Subject: "2001’s" becoming...overpriced?
Date Posted: January-14-2007 at 6:38pm
I was looking through the diaries a bit ago and noticed one in particular. An '89 BFN for 17.5?? seriously? its a gorgeous boat and looks well cared for, but I'm hoping this is just a "im posting it just to see if i get a bite" but man! if these boats keep shooting up in price like this, I'll never get my 87-89 SN/BFN...


Nathan" rel="nofollow - My '78 Ski Nautique

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Posted By: TRBenj
Date Posted: January-14-2007 at 7:11pm
If I remember correctly, - this Barefoot was listed pretty high as well. Not sure if it was this one or not, but wasnt one was listed around $25k not too long ago?


Posted By: Waterdog
Date Posted: January-14-2007 at 8:35pm
That boat was'nt listed very long.Don't know if it sold or not.

- waterdog -" rel="nofollow - 78 Ski Tique

Posted By: hspore
Date Posted: January-14-2007 at 8:39pm
....I wouldn't be concerned about it Nate. My neighbor sold an 88' BFN last year that was in prime condition with low hours and after 4 months of trying to sell it, he finally took $11,700. I think it's hard for most people to ante up more than about $2500 over a regular Nautique to get that hull and a 454.   


Posted By: nates78ski
Date Posted: January-14-2007 at 10:20pm
yeah i just hope this isn't something that becomes common, because these boats are great and they're worth some good money, especially for their age, but when people start putting prices on them that should be on boats 8-10 years newer, it's just kinda crazy...


Nathan" rel="nofollow - My '78 Ski Nautique

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Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: January-17-2007 at 7:24pm
i think most nautiques(used) are overpriced......just my opinion.

Posted By: jbear
Date Posted: January-17-2007 at 9:36pm
ryan; They ain't as overpriced as the new ones.


"Loud pipes save lives"

AdamT sez "I'm Canadian and a beaver lover myself"...

Posted By: reidp
Date Posted: January-17-2007 at 10:39pm
nate and ryan, Overpriced and high priced are two slightly different scenarios IMO, with only one being justifiable. Anyone that already has one would like them to stay as high priced as possible. Try and remember also that asking price and actual selling price are often quite different. I agree with you that many just throw a high number out there to hopefully get a bite, as we've seen plenty out there like that still listed here. If any particular boat sells for a specifically high amount, then to me it's worth it to someone and then a benchmark is established and prices creep upwards. Anything legitimately becomes worth (or appraised) what someone will consistently pay for it. I don't necessarily like it as it's kept me from getting many a car I'd like to have had. And I don't know if it's a direct correlation but consider that a clean 35-40 yr old Ford Mustang typically sells for more than a 15-20 yr old model. In our cases, although it may become hard on the pocketbook, it's actually good for the breed I hope. So buy as soon as you can.       

/diaries/details.asp?ID=231&yrstart=1971&yrend=1975 - 1973 Mustang

Posted By: nates78ski
Date Posted: January-17-2007 at 11:04pm
Well said ReidP, the good news for me is that when i pick up m 87-89 SN/BFN sometime over the next couple years, im sure it'll be one that needs lots of work, because for me the fun's in rebuilding it, and as a bonus i dont have to pay for someone's meticulously cared for, and probably a bit overpriced boat. Just keep me in mind guys if any of you come across any 87-89 CC's that need alot of work.


Nathan" rel="nofollow - My '78 Ski Nautique

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Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: January-18-2007 at 7:43am
supply and demand, just like muscle cars, you get guys with pocketfuls of money driving the price of the boats to the where they are at now. The popularity of wake boarding has a lot to do with it. one thing you'll never have a problem with is selling a Correct Craft. I bought mine new in 1996, had it for 4 years and put on line somewhere, I probably got 100 calls and some kid sent me a check site unseen for 2k less for what i paid 4 years earlier. I had no problems selling the boat. buy a new car and see what its worth the day you drive it out of the dealership, one of the worst lets say.. investments you can make. now go buy a CC they hold and possibly increase in value.

"the things you own will start to own you"

Posted By: jon4pres
Date Posted: January-18-2007 at 11:40am
I own one so I hope the value keeps going up.

The new ones are so crazy expensive that the old ones have to go up in value. I credit the wakeboarders to the incline in 2001 prices. To get a comparable wake to a 2001 you are going to spend 20k or more.

------------- - 82 2001
Fort Scott Kansas

Posted By: 82tique
Date Posted: January-18-2007 at 11:47am
Originally posted by jon4pres jon4pres wrote:

I own one so I hope the value keeps going up.

I second that

Life is Good.

Posted By: Riley
Date Posted: January-18-2007 at 12:22pm
They seem to bring more money than Master Crafts or Malibus.

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