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"Mint Condition"

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: September-25-2024 at 8:53am

Topic: "Mint Condition"
Posted By: scott8370
Subject: "Mint Condition"
Date Posted: March-09-2007 at 6:58pm
Has anyone else noticed how many boats there are for sale, that are in " Mint condition". Maybe I don't know the definition of Mint. Can someone tell me what a boat should look like when it is mint. In my opinion, mint condition is pristine, as if just out of the mint. Perfect. Brand new condition. Mint is NOT in good condition for its age. This is a major pet peeve of mine. What do you guys think?


Posted By: 87BFN owner
Date Posted: March-09-2007 at 7:27pm
I agree, when you drive eight hours to look at a boat in mint condition and you get there. The boat is not in mint or any where close to mint. You should the right to choke the living crap out of the seller.

When selling something, I found it best to be honest. Don't try to mis represent what you got. Nine times out of ten the person will not be mad about the condition if your honest. They may even buy it know the condition from the begining. Just my two cents.


Posted By: 79nautique
Date Posted: March-09-2007 at 8:08pm
I'm with ya but I'll have to check my listing pretty sure i just state everything has been replaced.

------------- - 79 nautique

Posted By: eric lavine
Date Posted: March-09-2007 at 8:18pm
thats funny, because its like that with everything for sale, people have different outlooks on things, if you talk to a guy and he'll go on and on that its mint and you get there and about sh*t. and on the other side of the coin you'll talk to a guy and he'll tell you that its in allright condition it has some scratches or some rust and its not in that grat of shape and you get there and its beautiful..... its just the way people view things

"the things you own will start to own you"

Posted By: 87BFN owner
Date Posted: March-09-2007 at 8:29pm
Your right about that Eric, that's why the email and pics are awsome. Makes going to look at things easier. Except for when one side of the item looks super sweet and the other side is trashed.


Posted By: scott8370
Date Posted: March-09-2007 at 8:45pm
I found more times than not, people list it as Mint and it's far from it
Chris, you did not say your's is mint. That's why I keep looking at your listing, and another 1979 listed. I'm looking for a 79-81 that I can put in the water without doing any work to it. A few nicks and scratches I'll fix. I just don't want another project right now. When someone advertises a boat as mint, and it's not...I'm finished with them.


Posted By: SkiBum
Date Posted: March-09-2007 at 9:33pm
Guy from our ski club was buying a used tow boat to keep at the lake (in the event you were replacing the stringers, floor, and gelcote and couldn't use it for a while). Anyhow, this joker says his boat is in "mint condition". After a 12 hour drive to his lake for a test drive, the boat was crap...upholstery was faded, rotten, and torn; carpet was faded, stained, and worn; gel was scratched, chipped, and cracked; trailer was held together with rust. Told the guy no deal. Mr. Mint Condition was about to physically assault my friend when he refused to buy the piece of crap.

Bill - 1987 SN Rebuild Project

Posted By: M3Fan
Date Posted: March-10-2007 at 12:07am
I've looked at or almost bought two boats which were far from the seller's description in reality. One was pretty harmless- a two hour drive each way, so no big deal. The other one... well, it's a long story but the short version of the story is that if it wasn't for forums like this one and an amazing coincidence, I'd have a boat with a ton of problems in the garage right now. God bless the internet.

Posted By: p/allen
Date Posted: March-10-2007 at 12:20am
MINT CONDITION I think what they mean by this is that they had to spray some MINT smelling lysol to get rid of the mold , mildew and rotting smell of the stringers and gasoline leak . Or maybe it was sitting in a spearmint field before they decided to sell it . Maybe there is moss growing inside (the color of mint). This must be the new meaning of MINT!!


Pat - My 72 Skier
Rock River

Posted By: 81nautique
Date Posted: March-10-2007 at 6:55am
I agree about the mint thing but how about "Good condition FOR IT"S AGE" That one always means don't be too optimistic.

You can’t change the wind but you can adjust your sails

Posted By: scott8370
Date Posted: March-10-2007 at 9:00am
At least, Good condition for it's age, to me means..don't expect perfect. Mint, to me means...Mint. Perfect..not a scratch or a single mark anywhere. I don't know why that bugs me so much.


Posted By: 79nautique
Date Posted: March-10-2007 at 9:11am
Originally posted by scott8370 scott8370 wrote:

At least, Good condition for it's age, to me means..don't expect perfect. Mint, to me means...Mint. Perfect..not a scratch or a single mark anywhere. I don't know why that bugs me so much.

your a perfectionist that's why, haven't you really stood back and looked at our work long and hard? bet you have more then once and found every little thing and fixed it before you where done.

------------- - 79 nautique

Posted By: oldschoolnautiq
Date Posted: March-10-2007 at 1:25pm
How can a 1985 model boat be mint then guys? Its 21 freakin years old. If it was a 2006 boat, yeah, mint would mean no scatches, barely use, absolutely perfect. But how do you rate a 21 year old boat? What you guys are saying is that a 21 year old boat can't be in mint condition, especially if its all original. If it is in its original state then it can't be mint compared to a 2006 boat because it has been used more. But if you compare that boat to similar 1985 model boats, then it is meant. You have to compare apples to apples guys.

Posted By: scott8370
Date Posted: March-10-2007 at 2:06pm
Originally posted by oldschoolnautiq oldschoolnautiq wrote:

How can a 1985 model boat be mint then guys? Its 21 freakin years old. If it was a 2006 boat, yeah, mint would mean no scatches, barely use, absolutely perfect. But how do you rate a 21 year old boat? What you guys are saying is that a 21 year old boat can't be in mint condition, especially if its all original. If it is in its original state then it can't be mint compared to a 2006 boat because it has been used more. But if you compare that boat to similar 1985 model boats, then it is meant. You have to compare apples to apples guys.

You simply describe it honestly. Example: 1985 ski Nautique. 300 orignal hrs. everything original. Has a few nicks and scratches,but nothing major. Some wear on the dash and gauges from the sun. Overall the boat is in great shape..a must see! Trailer is in good shape, and road worthy. Call for additional pictures and info.Will test drive before you buy.   Mint, means Mint. It doesn't mean Mint because I am comparing it to a wreck or a boat that has more damage than mine.


Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: March-10-2007 at 2:25pm
You may be able to call a boat "mint" if it has been totally restored. Restored means that it has been brought back to as close to "as from the factory" as posible with materials and components.

/diaries/details.asp?ID=1622" rel="nofollow -

54 Atom

/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique

64 X55 Dunphy

Keep it original, Pete

Posted By: scott8370
Date Posted: March-10-2007 at 2:39pm
Originally posted by 8122pbrainard 8122pbrainard wrote:

You may be able to call a boat "mint" if it has been totally restored. Restored means that it has been brought back to as close to "as from the factory" as posible with materials and components.

Maybe. The following is Websters definition of "mint". Mint: unmarred as if fresh from a mint (in mint condition).


Posted By: oldschoolnautiq
Date Posted: March-10-2007 at 2:45pm
Point taken guys but you still have to compare apples to apples. Example: You buy a new 2007 Chevy truck. 6 months later its probrably still mint. 20 years later if it looks as good the day you bought it with minor wear and you have babied it and serviced it and waxed it, compared to other 20 year old Chevy trucks it will be considered mint. You compare that 2007 to a 1987 Chevy Scottsdale, than heck no the Scottsdale isn't mint, but you put it up to a Scottsdale that has fender rust, torn seat, and some fade in the paint, than your perfect truck would be considered mint. Once again, apples to apples. If you compare a 1985 2001 Nautique to a 2006 Air Nautique, heck no its not mint. If you compare that same boat to similar year model boat that are original, than yes it is considered mint.

Posted By: oldschoolnautiq
Date Posted: March-10-2007 at 2:45pm
Point taken guys but you still have to compare apples to apples. Example: You buy a new 2007 Chevy truck. 6 months later its probrably still mint. 20 years later if it looks as good the day you bought it with minor wear and you have babied it and serviced it and waxed it, compared to other 20 year old Chevy trucks it will be considered mint. You compare that 2007 to a 1987 Chevy Scottsdale, than heck no the Scottsdale isn't mintand can't be, but you put it up to a similar Scottsdale that has fender rust, torn seat, and some fade in the paint, than your perfect truck would be considered mint. Once again, apples to apples. If you compare a 1985 2001 Nautique to a 2006 Air Nautique, heck no its not mint. If you compare that same boat to similar year model boat that is original, than yes it is considered mint.

Posted By: scott8370
Date Posted: March-10-2007 at 3:33pm
Chad, Your profile reads: Occupation: Sales. I'm sorry, but you could never sell me a boat, truck,apple, or even a bridge.
I guess my problem is that I take things too literally.


Posted By: oldschoolnautiq
Date Posted: March-10-2007 at 3:40pm
Originally posted by scott8370 scott8370 wrote:

Chad, Your profile reads: Occupation: Sales. I'm sorry, but you could never sell me a boat, truck,apple, or even a bridge.

Point proven then

Posted By: oldschoolnautiq
Date Posted: March-10-2007 at 3:47pm
Originally posted by scott8370 scott8370 wrote:

Chad, Your profile reads: Occupation: Sales. I'm sorry, but you could never sell me a boat, truck,apple, or even a bridge.

Point proven

This is the most ridiculous thread started on this site ever. Everything is relative to each individual. You obviously relate to restored boat or new boats that are in new or "mint" condition. Thats not what my boat is. Its an original condition boat that is in as "new" or "mint" condition that boat can be in and its obviously one you can't relate to. It is in as good of a condition as possible for its age with zero restoration. Its not a restored or new boat so you can't even put it in the same class as these boats that are restored or new. Its actually in a class of its own if you want to know the truth. Show me a boat like that one that is all original and actually is almost comparable to some of the restored boat here when you really get down to it. How retired lfe by the way? Treating you well?

All that said boys come on to Mississippi and see for yourself. Heck, i might need to get a stick to beat all y'all away with when y'all cumma runnin' with da cash in ya hayund! LOL

Now thats funny.....

Posted By: quinner
Date Posted: March-10-2007 at 4:16pm
Originally posted by oldschoolnautiq oldschoolnautiq wrote:

Thats not what my boat is. Its an original condition boat that is in as "new" or "mint" condition that boat can be in

Totally disagree with you Chad, it might be tough if you really use your boat but there is no reason it could not be kept in perfect or Mint condition from new. The term Mint is not on an adjustable scale for the age of the boat.

IMO Mint is exactly that, "Mint". Should not matter how old or how new, if it is at or near perfect condition then it would be mint. If it is in good shape for it's age which by ones definition means not as beat up as another then Mint would not be a word I would use to describe it.

-------------" rel="nofollow - Mi Bowt

Posted By: PLBC
Date Posted: March-10-2007 at 6:04pm
Originally posted by oldschoolnautiq oldschoolnautiq wrote:

All that said boys come on to Mississippi and see for yourself. Heck, i might need to get a stick to beat all y'all away with when y'all cumma runnin' with da cash in ya hayund! LOL

Now thats funny.....

got ghetto?

you two have a history?

-------------" rel="nofollow - 99

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: March-10-2007 at 6:16pm
quinner-for once i agree with you 110%....

Posted By: scott8370
Date Posted: March-10-2007 at 6:52pm
Originally posted by PLBC PLBC wrote:

Originally posted by oldschoolnautiq oldschoolnautiq wrote:

All that said boys come on to Mississippi and see for yourself. Heck, i might need to get a stick to beat all y'all away with when y'all cumma runnin' with da cash in ya hayund! LOL

Now thats funny.....

got ghetto?

you two have a history?

No history. Just two people with two different ideas, on what they think mint is


Posted By: Poster112
Date Posted: March-10-2007 at 9:57pm
There are no varying degrees of "mintness". If it is "almost mint", it is not mint. If it is the closest thing to mint that you've ever seen, it is still not mint.
If one cannot understand what condition "mint" describes, then one should not use such a term to describe their item for sale.

I'd rather have a bottle-in-front-of-me than a frontal-lobotomy." rel="nofollow -

1985 Ski

1984 SW

Posted By: JMurph
Date Posted: March-10-2007 at 10:15pm
Check this boat out. It is 12 years older than yours and still not described as "mint". - 1973 Mustang

"Near perfect" is used to describe this boat. Look at this boat. Pretty darn close to "mint". The prior owner kept the tires jacked up off the floor? Who does that? This boat is not restored, but kept in near perfect condition.



Posted By: scott8370
Date Posted: March-10-2007 at 10:22pm
Chris, That one made me laugh. I couldn't agree more. By the way, I like your boat.


Posted By: scott8370
Date Posted: March-10-2007 at 10:26pm
Originally posted by JMurph JMurph wrote:

Check this boat out. It is 12 years older than yours and still not described as "mint". - 1973 Mustang

"Near perfect" is used to describe this boat. Look at this boat. Pretty darn close to "mint". The prior owner kept the tires jacked up off the floor? Who does that? This boat is not restored, but kept in near perfect condition.


That's what I'm talking about


Posted By: ultrahots
Date Posted: March-11-2007 at 12:01am
I was keeping my trap shut on this one but the "Mint" word drives me nuts.I buy and sell Hot Wheels on a daily basis.Some $1.00 each and some $3000.00 each.Mint is termed as free from defect factory original period.A used boat on ANY scale cannot and never will be "Mint".Closest one I have seen that was used was Paul Carpenters Anniversary in the Diaries. - Carpenters Anniversary

Boats and Vehicles have and will continue to be graded on a scale of 1 to 10.1 being perfect never used condition restored or not, and 10 being in need of total restoration or "Project".I work for a local restoration shop and get the pleasure of working on some truly awesome pieces of history but Anything that has been driven on a road or in this case been in a lake for any period of time is no longer Mint.

-------------" rel="nofollow - 1980 Show Nautique

Posted By: scott8370
Date Posted: March-12-2007 at 10:36am
This thread has been great therapy. Thank you.


Posted By: Hollywood
Date Posted: March-12-2007 at 11:02am
How about using "cherry" as something that *might* be considered close to "mint"?


Posted By: 75 Tique
Date Posted: March-12-2007 at 1:23pm

**for its age

“So, how was your weekend?”
“Well, let me see…sun burn, stiff neck, screwed up back, assorted aches and pains….yup, my weekend was great, thanks for asking.”

Posted By: 81nautique
Date Posted: March-12-2007 at 1:31pm
Originally posted by 75 Tique 75 Tique wrote:


**for its age

SOLD...pending a test drive

You can’t change the wind but you can adjust your sails

Posted By: scott8370
Date Posted: March-12-2007 at 2:47pm
Alllaaannnn!! Larrrry!

That's the closest I came to pissing my awhile!!


Posted By: Mojo
Date Posted: March-12-2007 at 2:51pm
Originally posted by Poster112 Poster112 wrote:

There are no varying degrees of "mintness". If it is "almost mint", it is not mint. If it is the closest thing to mint that you've ever seen, it is still not mint.
If one cannot understand what condition "mint" describes, then one should not use such a term to describe their item for sale.

Absolutely correct Poster... There is no degree.. Mint means "in the wrapper"....

Chad, love the boat... If you were closer I'd check it out myself.. By the pictures however Id view the boat is in "Very Good Condition"

Best Of luck to you..



05' SV211 TE
73' Martinique
had:96' SNOB
had:76' Nautique
had 77 Tique


Posted By: jbear
Date Posted: March-12-2007 at 9:58pm
Scott; We've all seen your work, you idea of "mint" is good enough for me.


"Loud pipes save lives"

AdamT sez "I'm Canadian and a beaver lover myself"...

Posted By: The Lake
Date Posted: March-12-2007 at 10:01pm

I guess now that you've got that hot new engine your's is a "remint"


Walk on Water - 69 Ski Nautique

Posted By: jbear
Date Posted: March-12-2007 at 10:06pm
Chuck: The motor is mint thanks to my pit crew, but the outside is just nice, to much fading. I keep dreaming of Alan's boat but then I think "wet sand".

Very sorry I missed you Saturday nite. Don't like to miss that but we had out-of-town guests. My old work partner and baseball friend. Saw 2 games. Lost both but was great anyhow.


"Loud pipes save lives"

AdamT sez "I'm Canadian and a beaver lover myself"...

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