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17 American Skier wake

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Category: General Correct Craft Discussion
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Discription: Anything Correct Craft
Printed Date: March-04-2025 at 9:39pm

Topic: 17 American Skier wake
Posted By: Bill336
Subject: 17 American Skier wake
Date Posted: October-12-2004 at 2:07am
I'm considering buying a late 70's 17 American Skier that needs a lot of work. I'm just wondering what the wake is like behind these boats. I currently have an offshore that we use on weekends but we have a lot of small local lakes that are great for skiing during the week. By the time I'm done getting it into shape, I could be 3-4K into it. I'm basically looking for a good ski boat that will fit in a garage and will have a better wake than a similar sized I/O. I'm also looking for a project to paint because I'm planning on painting the dash of the other boat in the spring, but don't want to learn on it. So, anyone who's skied behind one...what's the wake like??

Posted By: Bill336
Date Posted: October-21-2004 at 6:42pm
Well I guess I'll be able to answer this question myself, but not until spring. I'm picking up a 1978 American Skier tomorrow. I'll store it in the garage and do a new interior, floor, possibly some stringer repair, and get it mechanically right. It's been sitting for 2 years, but the price was more than right. I'll either paint the hull or restore it to the original look.

Great site BTW. I've done quite a bit of searching the last week and there's a lot of good info here.

Posted By: Bill336
Date Posted: October-30-2004 at 1:26pm
Ok, I may just be posting this for myself, but I gotta share it anyway. Is there a secret handshake I'm not aware of?? lol...

I got the boat home last Friday. The seller bought it 2 years ago to fix it up and never did anything and basically said he knew nothing about boats. He did give me a folder with the title and it also had the exhaust and engine drain plugs in it. Good sign because he couldn't tell me if it had been winterized before. I bought a battery on Sunday and tried to start it. Big click and then nothing. I pulled the plugs and sprayed PB Blaster in the cylinders. After about an hour I was able to turn the crankshaft with a socket and breaker bar. I replaced the very corroded battery cable ends and after cranking it a couple of times it fired up. Some green antifreeze came out from where the drains were (I hadn't replaced the plugs), which I take as another good sign. So right now with the $85 in supplies, I've got a functioning ski boat for a grand total of $735. Even the trailer lights work. I'm going to take it to a local lake today and see if the propshaft or rudder stuffing boxes leak. I'll be restoring the interior and painting before next summer...

Well it's not showing linked pics, see them here-- - PIC 1 - PIC 2 - PIC 3

Posted By: jameski
Date Posted: October-31-2004 at 12:58am
No secret handshake Bill; I don't know what the problem is. My '78 Martinique is 9" longer and 200 lbs heavier but a very similar boat. I have the 351W 4V COMMANDER with 13X12X1RH prop. A FANTASTIC boat! I can't believe the deal you got on yours! What a steal! The wake on mine is great for wakeboarding up to about 24mph and its really good for slalom above 32mph (but it does have a narrow sharp ripple to cross that is kind of harsh). You probably won't have the harsh slalom wake since you have less weight. The pull out-of-the-hole is incredible! and holding speed is very easy. If you're used to I/O's, you will really notice a HUGE difference in the steering and handling. For me, it took some getting used to, but I learned to love it - and would NEVER go back. Which engine do you have?

current boat - 94 Sport Nautique
previous boat - 78 Martinique

Posted By: Bill336
Date Posted: October-31-2004 at 2:04pm
It's got a Merc 198 305 CI, velvet drive 1:1 trans, and it hasn't dried out enough here for me to climb underneath to see what the prop is.

I can't believe the deal I got on it either. I had been looking all summer for something like this and am really looking forward to next summer. I also can't wait to get started on the restoration. Everything is so simple on it. I pulled the water pump off, changed the impeller (it didn't even look bad) and put it back on in about 15 minutes. My last boat took me an hour and a half just to get it out (a Formula 272 with twin 454's). The steering is a cable to the rudder, no PS pump, cooler, hydraulic hoses, and outdrives to worry about. I love it.

Posted By: jameski
Date Posted: October-31-2004 at 4:01pm
The simplicity is great, but the performance that goes with it makes the I/O's a thing of the past for me. I guess they have their place, but for watersports, you just can't beat the rudder & cable and the velvet drive w/ morse control. Have you made it to the lake yet? It sounds like it WAS winterized - and if so, it might be MUCH less work than you anticipate.

current boat - 94 Sport Nautique
previous boat - 78 Martinique

Posted By: Bill336
Date Posted: October-31-2004 at 4:14pm
I didn't make it out yesterday, we had 30-40 mph winds all day. I might take it up now though... I did run it on a home made fake-a-lake and I've got a small leak at the engine circulating pump. I do want to run it longer to see if I get water in the oil.

Posted By: Rick
Date Posted: November-01-2004 at 2:04pm
After 2 years I would expect the packing to be dry. I would watch it for a couple of runs. It may soak up and stop leaking. As for thr stuffing box and rudder, get the teflon impregnated Flax, around 6.00. It takes all of 30 minutes to repack them. If you can take the old packing out and take it with you to match. When you put it back togeather match the number of rings you take out (usually 3) and make sure you stagger the joints.

-------------" rel="nofollow - 2000 Ski

Posted By: 97sport
Date Posted: November-01-2004 at 8:52pm
Bill welcome to the Correct Craft family. You got a great deal on your boat. Hope you have as much fun as the rest of us have. Rick is right to check the packing close, it my leak after sitting so long. Good luck and happy skiing.

life is short live it!!!

Posted By: Bill336
Date Posted: November-02-2004 at 10:23am
Thanks for the tips. I'll definitly keep a close eye on the packing.

Posted By: Bill336
Date Posted: November-03-2004 at 2:03pm
Well I backed it into a lake and ran it yesterday. The propshaft packing seemed fine, but the rudder was leaking. I'll probably do both this winter anyway when I have it apart.

Posted By: jameski
Date Posted: November-03-2004 at 2:47pm
Bill, you MUST be living right! You really got a steal.   

current boat - 94 Sport Nautique
previous boat - 78 Martinique

Posted By: marknautique
Date Posted: November-03-2004 at 5:11pm
Skied for many years behing a 72 American Skier Nice wake up to about 22 off then a rooster tail but doable. Nice barefoot boat also a lot of balls.

Posted By: Keith
Date Posted: November-05-2004 at 8:01pm
I have a '79 Mustang, which is the same boat as the '79 American Skier but with a different interior. The hull is only 8" shorter than that year's Nautique but just as wide.

I love the performance - the turn-ability and hole shot are great. My has a Ford PCM 302 and top speed is 46 mph.

I agree with marknautique about the slalom wake and would add it has a really nice wakeboard wake up to 22 mph.

It doesn't track as well as the newer boats when in a slalom course but it's also only 17' and easy to trailer and store.

Great deal. I look forward to seeing it added to the Diaries Section.


/diaries/details.asp?ID=6170" rel="nofollow - 97 Sport Nautique
1994 Ski Nautique
86 Silver Nautique
79 Mustang

Posted By: gjsullivan
Date Posted: November-12-2004 at 4:33am
I had a 67 mustang w/289, about the same size. Slalom wake was good at 32 and above. Fairly solid ridges below 30. Wakeboarding really nice solid wakes right around 19-21.

Have fun

Posted By: Bill336
Date Posted: November-12-2004 at 11:55am
We had some decent weather last weekend, so I took it out to see how she runs. I was getting some brownish black smoke at idle (seems to be running rich) and the rudder leaked (already knew that). The tach reads about 2200 at idle when I know it was down to stalling speed before changing the idle speed screw. Better than I expected for a boat that had been sitting for two years and is most likely in need of a tune up. I didn't really hammer it out of the hole, but it seemed to get up pretty effortlessly. I liked the look of the wake above 28-30, assuming the speedo was working correctly, and it does look good for wakeboarding at slower speeds.

I've always had I/O's, so I've got some learning to do with the way it handles around the dock. After launching, I started turn turn around apparently too close to the ramp. It seemed like anything I did in forward and/or reverse was pushing the stern back towards the launch. I did make it out without incident though. I had to winterize Tuesday since it got down to the low 20's.

Posted By: captan1
Date Posted: November-19-2004 at 2:50pm
11 more posts.

------------- - 1978 Ski Nautique

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: May-03-2005 at 9:34pm
American Skier' have a BIG wake. If you use a long rope it works OK. Our Kids do fine.

Posted By: Bill336
Date Posted: May-04-2005 at 2:38am
Wow, I was suprised to see this post again - I kind of forgot about it. I just pulled the engine Sunday and stringers are coming out and being replaced hopefully by the end of the weekend. I dug out a LOT of water soaked foam over the past month or two. The weather's breaking so I'm picking up the pace on it. It's late and I've got to run into work. I'll try to post some pics this week...

Posted By: DJ77skier
Date Posted: May-04-2005 at 4:16am
hey good luck on the boat i just finished the floors,new motor,all new gauges,and much more. i cant wait to see how this boat handles and pulls for wake and kneeboarding.this has been a fun project and hope to enjoy many days in the air behind it.

Posted By: billgatesceo
Date Posted: May-04-2005 at 12:48pm
I just sold my '77 American Skier. It used to put out a pretty big weight when weighted. I think one day we had a 500lb in the back, 250lb up front inbetween the seats and another 250lb sitting on top of the 500lb sac in the rear up against the engine cover and the wake was huge. Definately a little more vert and abrupt than a 2001 but you get used to it.

Posted By: Bill336
Date Posted: May-04-2005 at 1:21pm
That's kind of scary since my capacity plate says the boat is rated for 750 lbs total. I guess that's good to hear that it could handle 1000# + people...

Posted By: billgatesceo
Date Posted: May-04-2005 at 3:35pm
Yeah it was kinda scary. You have to watch for water coming over the transom when slowing down, and over the bow, but if you pay attention, you should be okay. Were just all about getting the best wake. We came from a Moomba Mobius V to a 17' Skier and the wake was a bit different, and wanted it to be as good if not better.

Posted By: Ajbriggs
Date Posted: August-25-2020 at 2:22pm
This is an old text thread but thought I’d chime in. Last summer, 2019, I bought a 1978 American Skier with a wakeboard tower. I would echo the remarks above regarding the wake. Best to have tank full of gas and weight in the back for wakeboarding. If you run a short rope (<60’) to slalom, you will get mixed up in the rooster tail. 75’ rope and 32mph is best for slalom to cross a flatter wake.
Boat does fine on smooth water but it tends to porpoise above 26 mph in choppy water. I installed nautilus tabs for days when it will be choppy but it messes with the wake for wakeboarding so I keep them off most of the time.

Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: August-25-2020 at 2:29pm
Originally posted by Ajbriggs Ajbriggs wrote:

This is an old text thread but thought I’d chime in. Last summer, 2019, I bought a 1978 American Skier with a wakeboard tower.  
Did you purchase a Corrrect Craft American Skier model or did you purchase an American Skier manufactured by the same name? Some get confused. 

/diaries/details.asp?ID=1622" rel="nofollow -

54 Atom

/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique

64 X55 Dunphy

Keep it original, Pete

Posted By: 67 ski nat
Date Posted: August-25-2020 at 8:28pm
Can someone post a pic of both a CC And non cc. American skier.

Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: August-25-2020 at 9:46pm
American Skier:

Correct Craft AS:

/diaries/details.asp?ID=1622" rel="nofollow -

54 Atom

/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique

64 X55 Dunphy

Keep it original, Pete

Posted By: 67 ski nat
Date Posted: August-26-2020 at 9:10am
Perfect. There is a short Wikipedia story about the non cc American and creator
They look of similar year models
How did trade mark stuff go

Posted By: Ajbriggs
Date Posted: August-27-2020 at 12:24am
Mine is a 1978 Correct Craft American Skier with the 198 hp. 305 ci Mercruiser. Very little is original anymore. New gauges, modernized top deck, painted and vinyl wrapped hull done by previous owners. I‘m fine with all that since I’m big on utility and not so big on classic originality.
I’m new to this site and not sure how to post pictures or I’d throw one on here.

Posted By: 8122pbrainard
Date Posted: August-27-2020 at 5:33am
Thanks for the clarification. Here's a thread on posting pictures:" rel="nofollow -

We'd love to see the boat. Welcome to CCfan. 

/diaries/details.asp?ID=1622" rel="nofollow -

54 Atom

/diaries/details.asp?ID=2179" rel="nofollow - 77 Tique

64 X55 Dunphy

Keep it original, Pete

Posted By: KENO
Date Posted: August-27-2020 at 7:18am
Originally posted by 8122pbrainard 8122pbrainard wrote:

Thanks for the clarification. Here's a thread on posting pictures:" rel="nofollow -

We'd love to see the boat. Welcome to CCfan. 


You really should add a little clarification every time you link to that thread by Keith and say "if you're trying to post pictures from a cell phone, tablet etc........"you're on your own" Wink

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