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Infant swimming lessons

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Topic: Infant swimming lessons
Posted By: Furno
Subject: Infant swimming lessons
Date Posted: February-28-2008 at 12:27am
Hello All,

Has anyone ever heard of or had their kids take any swimming lessons by an outfit called Infant Swimming Resource. They don’t really teach swimming, it’s more of water survival training for infants and toddlers. My wife heard about this training and has reviewed the website, but does not know of anyone that has actually put their kids through the training. We’ve read a lot of good reviews on the web, but not sure if they are actual parents or creative marketing.

Our little one is pretty mobile this year and we spend a lot of time at the lake cottage during the summer. It’s kind of like insurance, you hope you never need it, but if you do, you want the best.



'83 2001

Posted By: bkhallpass
Date Posted: February-28-2008 at 12:59am
I have never used this service. However, I grew up on the water, and I began swimming lessons before I was a year old, as did my 2 brothers and sister. My daughter, is 15 months old, and she began lessons at 6 months.

She can't swim, but she knows to hold her breath when she goes under. She knows to kick back toward the surface. She is learning to float on her back. She's learned to blow bubbles instead of sucking in water. Most importantly, while many kids in the classes are crying and screaming, she is in the pool enjoying herself and learning.

BTW - at the Green Lake reunion last year, while many of the adults were upset with the cool water temps, the 8 month old was happy to jump in

If you use this service or another, I highly recommend starting them young.


Livin' the Dream

Posted By: quinner
Date Posted: February-28-2008 at 1:05am
Like Brian said, start them young. For me the most important thing was getting them comfortable wearing their vest, that is probably the best insurance you will ever get.

Of all the lessons we had them in it was the YMCA day camp my daughter did at 6 yrs old that taught her the most, they had her swimming proficiently in no time at all.

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Posted By: scottb
Date Posted: February-28-2008 at 5:26pm
I'm pretty fortunate that the local park district offers swimming for infants and toddlers. Both of my kids started when they were about 4 months old, so neither are afraid of the water, but they know what to do if they fall in the water. I highly recommend it.

Posted By: JoeinNY
Date Posted: February-28-2008 at 7:08pm
I taught lessons with YMCAs and a YMCA camp for 10 plus years and can second what is said above. Any YMCA should have skippers classes that run between 6months (with parent till about 3 years old) up to about 5 years, then you graduate to the progressive levels. I recommend to every parent to take your kids at least once a year for a 8 week session of lessons.
    Small group instruction of that type is the best way to learn swimming, having peers around is invaluable even at very young ages. I take my neices and nephews now to lessons over the winter, and even though I am much more experenced than the current instructors and I know the kids better the classes yeild a lot more progress than I could accomplish with them alone at free swim or at the camp in the summer.   

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Posted By: Riley
Date Posted: February-28-2008 at 8:21pm
We started our kids at the YWCA when they were really young. They each went for a few years. Excellent programs.


Posted By: boat dr
Date Posted: February-28-2008 at 9:10pm
Ditto on the YMCA/YWCA in the late 70's Baton Rouge had a class in water safety, and all ours attended.
It was called Water Babies, the twins started at 5 months, Kristen was 27 months at that time.
What a wonderful time to start water safetying such a young age they are at home in the water and have no fears, Alissa was at peace on the first visit.
The coolest thing was to watch her blow bubbles and keep her head under on her first time in.After all they live in a water world for 9 months prior to birth,Aaron was a little slower,must be the boy thing.
Kristen had to learn how to blow bubbles and retrain her brain that it was alright to submerge, but did well with time.
Teach them water safety, and partisipatein their life....

boat dr

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Posted By: Waterdog
Date Posted: February-28-2008 at 9:11pm
It gives piece of mind like nothing else knowing your child IS safe around water.
The YMCA is a very good place to start.
Just go there and check it out if your unsure. Where ever they learn to swim is OK as long as they learn. Peer pressure is a key thing if there doing it I can!      

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