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The ’4 step’ gel coat polish (Part Deux)

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Category: Repairs and Maintenance
Forum Name: Boat Maintenance
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Topic: The ’4 step’ gel coat polish (Part Deux)
Posted By: MdFooter
Subject: The ’4 step’ gel coat polish (Part Deux)
Date Posted: March-10-2008 at 12:04am
After reading many threads about restoring and polishing original gel coat, I consolidated everyone's processes into what should be called the CCFan '4 Step method'. Many thanks for all the great knowledge about polishing. Here they are in order:

1) Wet Sand w/1000 grit paper
2) 3M Super Duty Rubbing Compound
3) 3M Imperial Microfinishing Rubbing Compound
4) 3M Micro-Finesse-It II Finishing Material

Finally seal it up with Collinite #925.

My '85 SN had very heavy oxidation on the top deck that looked like a different color compared to the original finish under the trim pieces.

My initial question was how far to wet sand. After numerous hours with a rubber block and water hose, I found the best result was had by sanding until the heavy white chalkiness was gone from the sanding residue. Eventually you will get the original color as your residue. The warm grey from '85 is an easy color to notice the change. If you leave anything looking like this next pic, you haven't sanded enough. Keep going.

The next three shots are after plenty of wet sanding and only one pass with the rubbing compound using the air polisher. Almost looks ready for wax.

I will post additional pictures of each step on the same part of the boat. Again, a thousand thanks to all those who have perfected this process for the rest of us!

1st" rel="nofollow - 85 Nautique

Posted By: Barracuda
Date Posted: March-11-2008 at 11:22pm
mdfooter- I'll second that! The process to correctly restore the gel coat which has been shared on this site many times certainly worked for me too.
Thanks fellas!

Former:" rel="nofollow - '86 Nautique" rel="nofollow - '65 Barracuda

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