Sorry I dont have any pics of work in progress, the interior is almost finished the custom back seat and combing pads are being covered this week. I installed the transplant morot last week to find cracked vavles in the heads. I picked a used set and they will be finished with a rebuild this week hopefully the total project will be finished by monday of next week august 1st. I have replaced almost everything the dash has been rewired the floor reglassed new prop strut all under water gear, pss packless shaft seal. electronic ignition new blowers all hoses plugs wires belts, 4 blade acme 208 prop. all hardware has been rechromed including some thingsthat werent chrome in the begining. Im installing a MB quart cd player kicker 350 watt amp kicker 6 1/2 and kicker 6x9’s. a remote for the stereo will be mounted in the rear seat next to the arm rests I have had built. I also installed a new style bump rail with the back chrome nautique emblem fromthe newer boats. last but not least I purchsed a brand new dorsey single axle trailer. There is a lot more work included in the rebuild but Im tired of typing. check back in a few days to see all this.