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Election 2012 Is Comming

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eric lavine View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote eric lavine Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October-05-2011 at 10:25am
Phil, there is a clause in Christianty readings its called look the other way policy, the more i learn about religion, the more I think science is explaining religion.
one big thing i dont understand about religion is a guy coming back from Iraq, he does the deed of killing lets say 10 people, who pays the piper?
and then I learned the Pope let those Nazi bastards slip thru Italy over to Argentina.
I dont want to pull religion into the discussion, But, its only until recently I question the thought of religion, there are probably a thousand different versions of religion and only one of them can be right, so which one is it?
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote OverMyHead Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October-05-2011 at 10:44am
I would probably be wise to run away from an abortion debate, but you guys know me better than that. I believe in personal responsibility, and that we were all created equal, and have the right to pursue life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Babys are not created at birth, their unique DNA (Instructions for life)is there from conception.

On the death penalty, I believe in the concept, For a vicius murderer, the sentance is far more humane treatment than the victim recieved, and being for personal responsibility if you do the crime you have to be prepared to accept the punishment. There are some problems with the administration as the guestions in the Davis case higlight, but I believe DNA has greatly reduced the odds of missapplying the punishment, If there is doubt, I would say err on the side of not creating an unresolvable outcome.

Democrats like to paint a picture of themselves as being for the little,guy, champion of the powerless, voice of the unheard, protectors of the weak and keepers of social justice. They oppose the death penalty even in cases where a killer admits to a heinous crime, but they completely contradict themselves on abortion. Who more than an unborn child needs an advocate, a champion, a voice to speak for them, and social justice. Our courts have decided that the parents of an unborn baby killed in an accident or by an assault deserve compensation for the loss of the life. The courts also convict assailants for taking that life, but then they turn around and say the mother has a "choice" to end the life at her discretion. The same party that is convinced we are incapapble of chosing which lightbulb best suits our needs says a mother under duress can make a responsible decision about this (whiping out millions of potential voters in the process). In the conception of the unwanted child bad decisions were made, be it for recreational sex, poor planning, poor timing,or an assault. None of these bad decisions were made by the unborn child, But who gets the death sentance? Victims of abortion are not given a "Choice". The unborn deserve to be championed. Those that make bad decisions should accept the consequences of their actions rather than making the innocent pay the ultimate price.

That being said, abortion is not the problem, unwanted pregnancy is. Abortion is like a fever, unwanted pregnancy is the infection that causes the symptom, It is best to treat the disese. If we had spent all the money involved in legal challenges and trying to lobby the government on preventing pregnancy, we would have made great strides to elliminate the problem. I believe abstinence is ths only 100% way to prevent pregnacy, but the only real earthly reason to practice abstinence is to please a creator. Teaching abstinence for its own sake will always fail, as the temptation of pleasures will always speak louder in the moment than simply avoiding sex for avoidance sake. I believe we should teach abstinence to anyone willing to listen but we cannot handcuff it and say teach the practice but do not mention the reason (God) to practice it. For those that are not interested in abstinence, teach birth control, refine birth control, and find practices that are 100% effective, when this is achieved, abortion will go away, and we will have one less thing to fight about.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote JoeinNY Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October-05-2011 at 12:44pm
Dave the problem is you continually see things through the fox colored glasses.. and that is leading you to feel that we are gone far to the left but there are no real measurements that agree.
Your assertions of the government forcing the banks to make risky loans causing the housing bubble are not defendable by logic or facts.. Regardless of how many times you hear them on talk radio or fox. The regulation you are referring to is the 1977 Community Reinvestment act. It is at best a minor contributor to the housing bubble, it is greatly eclipsed by the unprecedented duration of low fed interest rates, and the complete and total lack of oversite of those who were packaging sub prime morgages into high rated investments. This created an unbelievably large profit motive which inspired the ridiculously lax and predatory lending practices that eventually brought down the whole house of cards.

You don’t need someone to go back and rewrite the history on this for you, you were there you saw interest rates driven to nothing by the fed and as a result a 1000 dollar a month mortgage got you a lot more house.. but since down payments were still with real money they had to come down..   CRA was strengthened in the 90s.. but it was weakened in 04.. only applied to federally insured banks which were not the predatory lenders and have not seen great amounts of default, have not been bailed out, and only account for a small percentage of the loans given during the time. This tragedy was driven by pure unregulated greed, that the bad actors have clutched to CRA to explain their bad behavior is typical.   You say it was the same banks accused of redlining that were brought back and accused of predatory lending.. really? Which ones.. around here we say pictures or it didn’t happen

When I read your posts I am seeing government of the businesses, by the businesses, and for the businesses. .and that my friend is not the sweet spot. The reason we the people have a government is to protect our abilities to pursue our liberties, and regulating the multinational corporation next door so they cannot dump chemicals into my lake is damn sure protecting my liberty. The government’s job is to create the conditions that the people need to create and achieve according to their abilities and their efforts.    And that takes laws, but it also takes people to enforce those laws and right now we have been given the gift of regulators who we pay to represent the people but do not. The vast majority of “regulations” you refer to have been written by the corporations for all intents and purposes. I have been on a few industry committees myself where we propose regulations and submit them to be incorporated in law. It used to be a predictable game, a standard would go around for review that would cause us to do some real work, we would ask for more leeway and lower bars than we needed, so that the actual regulation that came back would be somewhere reasonably in the middle. For the last 10 years whatever the industry group submitted made it to law, we were often shocked that they didn’t pull out the big exceptions we had stuck in.

Worse yet all the energy star regulations that did get written were self-certifications as there were no regulators to actually test them. The less reputable companies, or the smaller companies with less to lose simply started putting false labels on products and selling them to you and me. You buy a refrigerator to save energy and the electric bill actually goes up.. gee wouldn’t it be nice if they couldn’t do that to you, or someone made sure that the label on the front actually meant something? . This stuff is real and it happened no one tested energy star appliances for a decade when they started testing again after Obama took office there were very few that passed.. if you bought an LG refrigerator, friedrich air conditioner or any one of dozes of others during the 00s you got taken.

Republicans tell us don’t worry corporations wouldn’t do that to the people, I mean people own the corporations why would they screw themselves. People like you and I may own them but the owners don’t run them and the people running them cannot be assumed to be acting in the best interests of the corporation or the owner. YOU NEED REGULATION.   

My other personal slap in the face example of the lack of regulation over the last decade in my industry is the change in the fan motor supplier base.. for decades there were 4 main us manufacturers of electric motors. There was a market in place, leadtime, price, and technology constantly lead you to switch suppliers to meet your needs. Whoever had the newest production equipment could typically produce the most cost effective design and this would change every couple years. Some moved plants to mexico and then had quality problems so you would move to a competitor for the next project.. yadda yadda. Eventually the number two guy bought the largest player in the industry and shut down the domestic plants and consolidated production in mexico and china.. this increased prices/ lead times and caused quality problems so we ran to the number three guy on new projects.. two years later we couldn’t believe that regulators said nothing when the now number two guy was also bought by the same company issued another round of price increases and product discontinuances that caused us supply disruptions to the point where we had to lay people off waiting for motors. So we ran to the historically 4th place supplier.. who frankly has been an industry joke for 15 years.. but now in comparison well that was all there was, except for going directly to an overseas supplier. .. which we also had to do, and carry more inventory to deal with the longer leadtimes from overseas . Two weeks ago the 4th place guy announced they are now part of the same company as the first 3, and that they would be closing their US plants and discontinuing models. The first acquisition was sketchy, the second unbelievable, the last is a complete farce. There is no way if we were being regulated at an unprecedented scale these 4 electric motor companies would have been allowed to be combined. It is the definition of a monopoly and it is not serving the market… and every person and company in the country will pay more money for everything that moves air because of it. Want to try and compete with this monopoly… good luck anyone that buys a motor from you will lose access to every other motor they need to buy because the monopoly has forced them to sign long term exclusive supply agreements or be effectively put out of business. If anyone is interested I will email you the names of the actual companies so you can fact check me..

Even if you don’t believe in that type of regulation I don’t see how you can argue that we are at the far extreme end of regulation, that is just an excuse that has been made up to justify the fact that tax decreases have not worked.   

So no we don’t have the same view of where the pendulum has swung.. when the tax rates are now lower than when Reagan left office and large corporations and wall street are getting away with murder, and there is no one to inspect the mines or the oil platforms.. and from conservative news sources I constantly hear that we have historically high taxes and regulation I feel like I am stuck in an Orwell novel. These are people that are willing to lie to get their way, they say this openly, and their followers blindly run along saying that the ends justify the means.. except how are you so sure you in on what the ends are that these liars are trying to achieve? Right now it is clear that the republicans in power are willing to sabatoge the economy to make Obama look bad, this shouldnt be a surprise to us Mitch McConnell told us that defeating Obama was his number one priority. Not lowering taxes, not creating jobs, not saving social security, not preventing terrorism, not winning the war in iraq.. Defeating Obama is more important and if that means a few million people stay unemployed a few more years while we watch the countries infrastructure continue to fall apart well then gosh darn it that is what has to happen.

As for government employees.. they work for us the people who created government for us and by us. We should expect good return on our investment. Education for our young, infrastructure upon which to conduct our commerce, protection from those who would do us harm, be those individuals, other countries, or the corporations that we own and created but do not spend the time to run ourselves. I also believe that for the markets to function efficiently and allow every person to achieve to their potential and level of effort the government also should provide a basic level of safety net including health carePutting people that don’t believe in government in charge of government the last ten years didn’t decrease the number of government employees it just decreased the number of good government employees that actually provided us a return on our investment.

If the government does these things effectively then people can producemore, and more efficiently.. and that grows the economy which increases demand which inspires more production to meet said demand. Again businesses do not create demand.

If you are still reading.. geez go look at a boat or something. As for the bible thumping portion of the debate and the applicability of faith to government my mind goes right to the words of the man himself..
Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is Gods..
Which rules out those who seem to think that god was looking for some sort of theocracy to take over government.. but if you do think as I do that our country should still have a Christian moral center then I don’t know how I am supposed to ignore the fact that we consider the republicans the true Christians because they hate the gays or because they tell us they will do something about abortion but never do more than

Then I see people like Perry making a great show of having public prayer meetings and I hear in the back of my head..

And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

And when I think these same people espouse policies that would increase taxes on the poor while protecting the rich, and have no plan to provide insurance for the 50 million people without out it
I think

Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’

But most importantly I look at the whole of human history and see that in every case where government and religion were combined the results are war and killing falsely carried out in the name of religion. Jesus wanted people to choose his path not to have it chosen for them.   Anyone who claims to have his province that is using it to put them in a position of earthly power is a liar of the worst type and shouldn’t be trusted to lead themselves much less others.   

And while we are at it why is it these supposed Christians mine the old testament for their guidance but ignore the teachings of Christ himself, what qualifies someone to sit in judgement of their brother … if you truly asked yourself WWJD we would see a lot less hate being spewed.

We talk about democrats being for abortion and republicans being against abortion but if you do not favor having a safety net that allows someone with an unplanned pregnancy to be able to stay off the streets then what life are you dooming the mother and the child to? If you do not support regulations requiring health insurance providing birth control are you really against abortion.

It ain’t easy to run a country where everyone has an equal chance to make their fortune. Can we go back to the time when we talked about the education and experience of our leaders and not whether they hate gays and foreigners enough.

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote harddock Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October-05-2011 at 1:31pm
Originally posted by skicat2001 skicat2001 wrote:

Originally posted by harddock harddock wrote:

Cain - Gingrich 2012

I like it! But I am really hoping for Perry Romney or vice versa. Or Perry and Newt. ooowwweeee The lefties are in trouble..

Or Romney and Newt would work too..

People are scared of Perry think he is mean. Too Texas. (Shoot first, ask permission later)
People think Romney is to robotic like Al Gore, lacking a sense of humor plus Romeycare is constantly biting his ass
People like Cain, He speaks at a common folk level, is not a career politition and has been successful in businesses.
Newt could be president tommorrow but he has an unelectable quality he can't get past. In the second seat giving guidance to any of the above could prove to be very strong leadership.
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Originally posted by JoeinNY JoeinNY wrote:

Dave the problem is you continually see things through the fox colored glasses.. and that is leading you to feel that we are gone far to the left but there are no real measurements that agree.....................

Ahhh, a voice of reason!
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skicat2001 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote skicat2001 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October-05-2011 at 1:38pm
Originally posted by phospher phospher wrote:

Originally posted by skicat2001 skicat2001 wrote:

Sits fine with me. They believe in not murdering people as Obama does. Your lefty favorite president...

Let me guess your against abortion but for the death penalty? Double standards?

Your a real funny guy, No I am very civil for the death penalty. As I beleive not slapping people on the wrist if they rob a bank and kill innocent citizens. He should not get 2 yrs in jail, DO THE CRIME DO THE TIME!! You kill someone, you need to be killed! Or sufer life in prison.
the leftys and your weirdo conclusions with this, "Oh he is insane, he is a crazy dude so please be easy on him"!! I dont play that game.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote skicat2001 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October-05-2011 at 1:41pm
Originally posted by phospher phospher wrote:

Originally posted by JoeinNY JoeinNY wrote:

Dave the problem is you continually see things through the fox colored glasses.. and that is leading you to feel that we are gone far to the left but there are no real measurements that agree.....................

Ahhh, a voice of reason!

Thats how sick you guys are. Cnn, and NBC,and CBS the communist channelS, they support the democratic parties, uuuum,mmmm I think they are labeld as progressive or socialist.. FOX tells the truth. Plus we have morals on that channel.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote skicat2001 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October-05-2011 at 1:45pm
We have not gone far left???!!!
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Originally posted by skicat2001 skicat2001 wrote:

Thats how sick you guys are. Cnn, and NBC,and CBS the communist channelS, they support the democratic parties, uuuum,mmmm I think they are labeld as progressive or socialist.. FOX tells the truth. Plus we have morals on that channel.

You are by far the most radical posting on these forums. FOX tells the truth and has morals? Fox is an entertainment news channel. Do you know who Roger Ailes is? This is a recent quote from him:

""I hired Sarah Palin because she was hot and got ratings" - Roger Ailes

In other words, the FoxNews founder cares only about ratings. If he didn't, do you really think he would hire people like Glenn Beck? Get with the program bud and take off those FoxNews blinders. Most people don't view the world from your ego-centric perspective.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote 62 wood Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October-05-2011 at 3:42pm
whats wrong with ratings? thats the cash cow... ALL channels would love more!

heres more .....

In a rare interview with a non-Fox reporter, Roger Ailes made a shocking declaration while defending himself from accusations that his Fox News network was anything but “fair and balanced.”

Speaking to The Associated Press, Ailes argued that he hired Sarah Palin not to promote a political agenda, but “because she was hot and got ratings.”

The interview was intended to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the controversial news network, which Ailes founded with the intention of challenging CNN back in 1996.

By all accounts, Fox News has succeeded, replacing CNN as the ratings leader for the first time in 2002. By 2010, the network was drawing an average of 1.1 million viewers—more than CNN and MSNBC combined.

The massive ratings were achieved by Ailes’ famous “fair and balanced” branding of the network, targeting viewers who believe that other networks have a liberal bias while Fox News “delivers them with unvarnished truth.” Yet, he has come under attack over the years from numerous detractors, who rail against what they see as simply “a mouthpiece for the Republican Party.”

And Sarah aint that bad....
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Originally posted by 62 wood 62 wood wrote:

whats wrong with ratings? thats the cash cow... ALL channels would love more!

Which is why cable news sucks.
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eric lavine View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote eric lavine Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October-05-2011 at 4:53pm
are you ready for some football? would they've yanked it on Fox?
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62 wood View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote 62 wood Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October-05-2011 at 5:05pm
Originally posted by eric lavine eric lavine wrote:

are you ready for some football? would they've yanked it on Fox?

Aint watchin' no more football without HankJr .
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skicat2001 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote skicat2001 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October-05-2011 at 6:02pm
Originally posted by phospher phospher wrote:

Originally posted by 62 wood 62 wood wrote:

whats wrong with ratings? thats the cash cow... ALL channels would love more!

Which is why cable news sucks.

Answer this, Why has Obama tried to get rid of Fox period?? Because Fox follows more of the conservative views and polocys. We like to make fun of CNN and MSNBC because they hate captilism. We love it on FOX!

So how why will you vote for president that will not put his right hand over his heart during the American Anthem??

I loved it when FOX showed how NBC(cowards), cut out during the "Pledge of Alligance" God, and liberty for all. CNN and NBC forgot it is on the United States Currency. "IN GOD WE TRUST"

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote skicat2001 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October-05-2011 at 6:04pm
Originally posted by 62 wood 62 wood wrote:

Originally posted by eric lavine eric lavine wrote:

are you ready for some football? would they've yanked it on Fox?

Aint watchin' no more football without HankJr .

Yes sir..

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eric lavine View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote eric lavine Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October-05-2011 at 6:06pm
remember the cold war days when Russia depicted how violent and what a bad group of people we had here in the US? thats all they would broadcast on TV in those days....
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Originally posted by skicat2001 skicat2001 wrote:

Originally posted by phospher phospher wrote:

Originally posted by 62 wood 62 wood wrote:

whats wrong with ratings? thats the cash cow... ALL channels would love more!

Which is why cable news sucks.

Answer this, Why has Obama tried to get rid of Fox period?? Because Fox follows more of the conservative views and polocys. We like to make fun of CNN and MSNBC because they hate captilism. We love it on FOX!

So how why will you vote for president that will not put his right hand over his heart during the American Anthem??

I loved it when FOX showed how NBC(cowards), cut out during the "Pledge of Alligance" God, and liberty for all. CNN and NBC forgot it is on the United States Currency. "IN GOD WE TRUST"


Have you seen OUTFOXED? Check it out man. Should be no problem if you really think so highly of FOXNews right?
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote BuffaloBFN Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October-05-2011 at 8:32pm
Didn't Starbuck's turn 40 earlier this year? That explains everything.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote OverMyHead Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October-05-2011 at 9:22pm
Joe, I rarely watch FOX, but Yes, I see through a conservative perspective just as you see through a liberal one. The housing problem staterted with the act you mentioned. I think watching the congressional hearings on read lining was the start of my asking the questions that moved me from being a properly endoctrinated liberal youth into an adult conservative. I remember thinking why is the government telling private companies that they need to write loans that will not likely get paid back. In effect as a stupid kid I saw this whole thing coming. Yes there were many bad actors in the total picture, but the bundled securities would never have been able to be sold if they had not been backed up by the government. The whole thing statrted with the government thinking they knew beter than the banks how to handle loans. They tweeked the system, and set up new rules, Business followed the new rules, and maxed out profits just like business is supposed to. Do you think our legislators are so nieve they never anticipated greed could come into play? I think they expected it and used it untill the house of cards fell apart, and then they blame the results of the frankestien they created on Wall street to cover their own butts. Why do you think Obama was so quick to bail out the wallstreet that he has so much contempt for? Because he knew where the paper trail leads and wanted the whole thing swept under the rug. The democrats built the shakey foudation that the house of cards was built on.

Again Joe, business is the only thing that can create demand. everything the government spends is first taken from business. take a dollar from my pocket and put it in yours, and you ae left with on dollar between the two of us. no increase, never will be, but take a business, give them reason (or get out of their way) to invest the dollar in a factory for you and I to work in, now we have a new factory purchased, two more permanent jobs, you and I spending our new salary, thats new demand, and it builds and encourages more.

Go back to caveman days, each caveman providing for himself and his family. he is a good hunter gather, so he has lots of kids who he teaches to be good hunter gatheres. That is growth, with no government. Now picture the caveman elects himself king, stops hunting and gathering to run his family kingdom, no food comes in, He tries to create demand by ordering that food appear, but government only regulates, it can not provide anything that was not taken from someone who actually produces.
For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote skicat2001 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October-05-2011 at 9:39pm
Here is a great conservative writer in business weekly. The leftys will not agree with it but here is the main reason for the housing market crashed.

cigar clinton and housing crash :)

I am a    hehe
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote phospher Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October-06-2011 at 2:05am
Originally posted by OverMyHead OverMyHead wrote:

I remember thinking why is the government telling private companies that they need to write loans that will not likely get paid back. In effect as a stupid kid I saw this whole thing coming. Yes there were many bad actors in the total picture, but the bundled securities would never have been able to be sold if they had not been backed up by the government. The whole thing statrted with the government thinking they knew beter than the banks how to handle loans. They tweeked the system, and set up new rules, Business followed the new rules, and maxed out profits just like business is supposed to. Do you think our legislators are so nieve they never anticipated greed could come into play? I think they expected it and used it untill the house of cards fell apart, and then they blame the results of the frankestien they created on Wall street to cover their own butts. Why do you think Obama was so quick to bail out the wallstreet that he has so much contempt for? Because he knew where the paper trail leads and wanted the whole thing swept under the rug. The democrats built the shakey foudation that the house of cards was built on.

I guess you still haven't gotten around to your latest assignment of watching inside job? What you mention is a very very small part of it.

Here, this is a good interview of Charles Ferguson director of "Inside Job" Interview: Charles Ferguson
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote eric lavine Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October-06-2011 at 10:33am
there is no fcng way the government let the housing crises happen, you guys read black and white and thats it, when my wife was working for a title company she would bring the approved apps home, and one particular one sticks out, it was Shanikwa aka whatever...she made 46 grand and the bank was giving her a 350k dollar loan on a home, there is no Jewish banker on this earth going to let a loan like this go thru his branch, my wife was working with 700 other people at this title company mostly doing work for countrywide, Ameriquest, no big name banks because they werent pushing these loans thru.
she had stacks of these approved loans and I just shook my head going thru them.
do you really think it was from regulation or giving the poor person a place to live? these guys are smart, they are in a position and forecast what the end result will be and the banks just dont fcing give money away. read between the lines
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Riley Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October-06-2011 at 10:54am
Huge profits for loaning OPM (other people's money), along with letting the fox guard the hen house is what caused the housing crisis and mortgage meltdown. The government may have played a hand in it, but it was mostly caused by the players in the lending industry. Starting in the 1990's it became the norm to let the salesman making a commission on the mortgage to control the processing of the loan. Sub prime loans paid huge commissions, thus highly motivated salesmen (loan officers), to see that the loans closed. Eric, if I paid you $500 to $1,500 per hundred thousand or more to loan out millions, would you be most interested in closing loans or making sure the OPM was safe? I have a feeling FFM Mortgage Co. would be loaning out alot of money.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote OverMyHead Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October-06-2011 at 11:00am
Eric, as you point out everyone new what was going on for 2 decades these loans were written, I recieved approval two differnt times for loans of $100,000 more than I every would have been able to pay back. Those issueing the mortgages ceertainly knew what was going on, but they had a choice, face charges of redlining or write the loans and, and make massive profits. Not to hard when the government is backing them and you can not loose. You can not tell me we all knew what was going on, but the government did not. Not only did they let it happen, but they encouraged it. The managers at Freddie and Fannie made wall street sized bonuses throughout the process. The government absoulutely let this happen. Bush saw it coming and tried to curb it a few years ealier but was blocked by the democratic legislators. For every action there is an equal and opposite reation. you can not medel with the natural balance without creating unintended consequences. The government created the conditions for this crisis, the rest followed. This is clearly written between the lines.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote eric lavine Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October-06-2011 at 1:28pm
If I knew, certainly the gov knew
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote JoeinNY Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October-06-2011 at 2:37pm
Of course they knew, but the ridiculously low FED rate (which created the demand) and the ensuing bubble was the only thing keeping the economy of the country moving.. despite the massive tax cuts that were supposed to provide growth.. if bush slowed that down he would have had to do what Reagan had to do in his second term raise taxes and restore some balance but lets face it bush was no Reagan.

As for the CRA argument… is bullcrap… The government (us) was telling private companies – federally insured banks that if they wanted the unbelievable benefits of keeping their ability to guarantee that the people keeping money in their banks would have their deposits (and the return on those deposits) be insured by the government then the people (us) would not allow the banks to discriminate in their loan practices as they historically had been shown to do when left to their own devices. These private companies had every right to compete on their own for your investment dollars without the benefits of Federal Deposit insurance and there was certainly the ability for some private entity to insure their deposits… that was the state of the country till 1933. You do know why the FDIC exists right.. because left unregulated banks behaved badly and collapsed left and right stealing peoples money to the point where they no longer trusted banks and put their money under mattresses, the great depression and all that. Just like with this latest collapse there needed to be government intervention before the masses could trust the private financial institutions with our money. The reality is they were getting tremendous value from the FDIC insurance, basically the license to assure the public that their money was safe no matter how badly the bank mismanaged it.    Just another example of how regulation makes commerce possible.. but I digress. (ok one more digression – the last time we were asked to stop telling FDIC insured private companies how to run their business (relax regulation) that was 1982, the Garn-St. Germain Depository Institutions Act- the direct result was the savings and loan crisis and the need for a government bailout in 1989) . Hmmm I sense something of a pattern here, three periods of relaxed regulation, three times private companies behaved badly, three times the government bailed them out.   

In all fairness there was some push from the FED using CRA to get banks to loan money because the FED was trying to prop up bushes tax cuts.. but again only 25% of the loans made during the bubble were made by the federally insured institutions (mostly small regional banks) subject to the big bad CRA and by and large those loans are not the ones defaulted on.. The big problem is the loans pushed by national lenders that were not FDIC approved. Additionally the areas of the country that value inflated and collapsed was certainly not in your redlined districts, it was middle class property pushed into high class pricing that plunged.

The real issue was Bush appointed financial regulators without the resources and desire to enforce safe and sane practices.   The republican solution is once again to relax regulations and assume that this time we wont see a repeat of the history.. (fourpeat actually). That is not a conservative approach or a moderate approach it is an insane approach. It has only been a couple years,are we supposed to forget that the regulations we are blaming for our lack of growth were bipartisan regulations that actually stopped the economic collapse just a couple years ago.

In the end you create your own case for more regulation when you said the government saw what was going on but allowed it to happen, and I agree with you. You also said a business seeks to max out the rules to maximize profit, I agree there as well because it is not an individual it cannot be trusted to act in its own best interest much less the best interest of society.   So we agree there must be rules, and just as importantly they must be enforced or a business seeking to maximize profit will not see an impact to that profit so they will further push the envelope past those regulations.

Business does not create economic output and business does not consume economic output… your cavemen didn’t have no stinkin businesses. Humans create and humans consume, capital is at its core stored human labor. Businesses are a construct like governments are a construct. No business that adds a factory or a machine without there being a demand for the goods or services that will be created by that factory or machine because that does not maximize profit…
It is very sane and reasonable to argue that since nothing can create demand except consumers and we simply need to save and work our way out of this recession. That is my opinion and the only opinion really in line with traditional conservative economic theory (even though you “conservatives” love to call anyone not drinking the cool aid liberals). The only problem with that relatively conservative opinion in the eyes of the republicans is that argument doesn’t allow them to blame the fact that we haven’t gone from financial collapse to boom in 2.5 years on Obama. To blame Obama, Pelosi, and Reid you first have to pretend that we should be creating jobs at huge rate despite the fact there is this huge real estate market collapse that will take years of demand to work through. Once you pretend that is what should be happening you need to find a way to blame Obama that it isn’t happening.

You have to do this even though all the businesses are flush with cash and that they are correct not to hire a bunch of people to make stuff that no one has the money to buy.   All that they could come up with to put it on the Democrats is too many taxes and too much regulation. (Actually they were trying to blame it on the deficit and debt for a while but then they realized that the democrats actually wanted larger deficit and debt reductions than they did and the types of reductions that the people favor are the ones that hurt the republican support base.. so that didn’t play well so all they got left is taxes and regulation)

Problem is it simply a weak argument completely disputed by history and the basic laws of supply and demand. But it does let people blame the government and those damn welfare people and crazy liberals trying to destroy America for all their woahs. And as it is human nature to want to blame someone else it works to some extent. It also has the side effects of attracting a bunch of money from big donors so that doesn’t hurt.   

But, it won’t work enough to win a national election even with the best gerrymandering and voter suppression tactics money can buy.   

Because in the end is the country better off than it was when bush left office? yes

Are the republicans offering real solutions?… none that are running and hate only gets you just so many votes.

Why do I care..
I don’t mind people having differing views and opinions but we cannot abide this constant rewriting of history… our history is a wealth of knowledge and experience earned for us by those who came before us with great sacrifice… as our government was… we cannot let our history and government be stolen from us to serve only the elite investor classes goals of being able to own everything while risking nothing and producing nothing.   Even for the investor class that is a short sighted solution, it certainly doesn’t work for the rest of us
The only thing that makes me more angry than those that try to corrupt the history of this great country are the hypocrites who try to corrupt religion to put themselves in positions of power and authority

And yes things are slow around here this week.. seems we are experiencing low demand
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote harddock Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October-06-2011 at 2:39pm
Originally posted by eric lavine eric lavine wrote:

If I knew, certainly the gov knew

Not if they were sent memos. The Attorney General doesn't read his. Nancy Pelosi says vote on the bill then you can see whats in it. Eric you just may know more than the governmentdoes and quicker too!
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote OverMyHead Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October-07-2011 at 2:40am
Originally posted by JoeinNY JoeinNY wrote:

Of course they knew, but the ridiculously low FED rate (which created the demand) and the ensuing bubble was the only thing keeping the economy of the country moving.. despite the massive tax cuts that were supposed to provide growth.. if bush slowed that down he would have had to do what Reagan had to do in his second term raise taxes and restore some balance but lets face it bush was no Reagan.

As for the CRA argument… is bullcrap… The government (us) was telling private companies – federally insured banks that if they wanted the unbelievable benefits of keeping their ability to guarantee that the people keeping money in their banks would have their deposits (and the return on those deposits) be insured by the government then the people (us) would not allow the banks to discriminate in their loan practices as they historically had been shown to do when left to their own devices. them out.   

In all fairness there was some push from the FED using CRA to get banks to loan money because the FED was trying to prop up bushes tax cuts.. but again only 25% of the loans made during the bubble were made by the federally insured institutions (mostly small regional banks) subject to the big bad CRA and by and large those loans are not the ones defaulted on..

Joe you are right, the banks had a practice of discriminating against people who would not be able to pay them back. Banks are not charities, they are businesses looking to make profit. The government has the ability to hand out money to these people if that is what they want to do, just look at Solyndra for goodness sake. Instead they chose to change the behaviors of the banks, and force them to do what did not make sense. Government medeling was the start of the disease, the rest is just symptoms. Also you are practicing some revisionist history on the bush tax cuts, they lead to increased revenue, so the fed had nothing to make up for concerning them. The deficits were a result of increased spending, just like today, only Obama does it on steroids compared to Bush. Here is an excerpt from a February 2010 Washington post article.

"By 2003, Mr. Bush grasped this lesson. In that year, he cut the dividend and capital gains rates to 15 percent each, and the economy responded. In two years, stocks rose 20 percent. In three years, $15 trillion of new wealth was created. The U.S. economy added 8 million new jobs from mid-2003 to early 2007, and the median household increased its wealth by $20,000 in real terms.

The 03 Bush tax cuts also generated a massive increase in federal tax receipts. From 2004 to 2007, federal tax revenues increased by $785 billion, the largest four-year increase in American history. According to the Treasury Department, individual and corporate income tax receipts were up 40 percent in the three years following the Bush tax cuts. And (bonus) the rich paid an even higher percentage of the total tax burden than they had at any time in at least the previous 40 years."
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote eric lavine Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October-07-2011 at 10:34am
I cant ever remember something of intelligence coming out of Bush's mouth, thats just me though, I really think he is still tipping the bottle, can see it in his face.
when i read these approved loan apps, hundreds of them I was in amazement and just thinking to myself how the fck are these people going to pay these loans back, there was a ton of seconds and even third mortgages mixed in the bunch too, but then it was like a light switch,
I think ive went thru this before and I just moved a buddy out after 2 years of no payments to the bank, here is the thing the bank still holds the note and do not lose a fcn dime, he was in there for approximately 6 years making the 1000.00 a month payment, he paid 126k for the place, he gave the bank 72k over the 6 year stay, it Sheriff saled and the bank bought the place for 100k, it will relist for 130k, they will sell it and start to rake in another 1200.00 a month.
funny, nowadays the banks will let you sit in these foreclosed houses, they dont want them sitting empty, sht will get stolen, the heat goes off, I hear stories that people havnt made payments in 5 years and are still sitting in the house, ths sht makes economic sense to me, sit in a free house for 5 years, dump that cash into a interest accumulating account.
Banks never ever lose once in a while they get clipped for 1200 bucks from a drug dealer robbing them, but, its probably insured.
We protect the very country which leads us into more turmoil, towers falling, economic collapse, the average American gets there sht piped in daily on the 46 and they start to believe the sht. It baffles me, im tied into the banks for my house and the business and I talk to the same girls every month at the bank when my payment goes past the due date, on a personal level which the conversation leads too, they are behind on thier house payments, driving some POS that they cant afford to throw a new set of brakes on....what a viscous cycle
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Riley Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October-07-2011 at 11:07am
Erice, I think you got Bush Derangement Syndrome!

The banks are losing big time. I've seen houses that sold for or were refinanced for around $600k during the peak, only to see them go as short sales or REOs now for in the $300ks. One house alone and $200k-$300 is lost. After a while that adds up to a lot of money.

I'm getting calls for "restrospective forensic enhanced field reviews". Lenders are having appraisals reviewed that were done 5-6 years ago to see if the appraiser had any culpability in the loss. These are for short sale and REO properties. I was just thinking about the fact that it may be a better alternative to let people live free in a home rather than moth ball it and leave it vacant. Some of these houses were really nice 5 years ago, but after they've been vacant a year or more, especially if they're in a rural area with no one checking on them, are really declining in condition. It's amazing how fast a vacant property can run down. That adds greatly to the loss beyond the change in market conditions. There's a lot of money being lost.
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