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eric lavine
Grand Poobah Joined: August-13-2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 13413 |
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Posted: July-31-2009 at 4:16pm |
i have a feeling im hanging with the GOP here, it takes alot more to ruffle me, i just try to put another point of view out there. thats allright you guys got beat up in November,
dont throw Palin out there or we ill see another 4 of this guy |
"the things you own will start to own you"
Groupie Joined: July-10-2009 Location: Montana Status: Offline Points: 62 |
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Kinda like the currrent White House administration (Sorry could,t resist) Eric you are a good sport you have gotten beatin up on this thread.
Platinum Member Joined: January-11-2008 Location: New Hill, NC Status: Offline Points: 1227 |
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I have not taken a flu shot in 20+ years and have not had the flu since.
Finally talked the wife out of getting her free employer flu shot a few years ago and she stopped getting the flu each year. It is better to practice good hygiene than to have them put a virus in you. |
1980 Ski Nautique
1966 Barracuda |
Grand Poobah Joined: June-24-2007 Location: Gainesville,GA Status: Offline Points: 6094 |
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You're avoiding the issue...
eric lavine
Grand Poobah Joined: August-13-2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 13413 |
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will you take the swine flu anti virus?
"the things you own will start to own you"
Grand Poobah Joined: June-24-2007 Location: Gainesville,GA Status: Offline Points: 6094 |
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If the gov't can't handle a used car lot(cash for clunkers), I'm not sure I want them telling me which pills to take.
eric lavine
Grand Poobah Joined: August-13-2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 13413 |
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I must live on the darkside....I called the Jackson thing 4 weeks ago, doctor assissted suicide, homicide? nothing more than a greedy doctor, on his payroll for 150k a month, according to my calculations he should be able to pay off school in around 4 months..not provable, so now the *************** family is going to file a civil lawsuit lets say for 150 million, who will pay the 150 milly's? malpractice insurance. for the most part Doctors are good, but i dont have enough fingers to tell you the guy's i know that are getting 90 per month 80mg Oxy-Contins that go for a minimum of 50 bucks a crack...thats $$4500.00 per month tax free...doctors havee the power to write these scripts and i know these people do not need that kind of pain medication, why are they writing these scripts? because the entire industry benefits, thats why there are pharmacies at every corner. a high school friend of mines father took one to the head, self inflicted, 3 weeks ago, on his calender the day was circled and it said "no more doctors" maybe if they rounded off that 12 minutes to 15 they could of recognized there was a problem there........
"the things you own will start to own you"
eric lavine
Grand Poobah Joined: August-13-2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 13413 |
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are the hospitals going to satisfy your 11 points, No,
i said there was greed in the system, and one other thing I said is, we wouldnt be taliking about this if there werent any problems and damn this thread is getting pretty least we recognize that there are how do they get repaired? this may be cynical but do we really want people to live to be 125? i sure the fk dont, for me 80 and out lol, i think your thoughts should be live comfortabally to 80 not extend life, thats in Gods hands |
"the things you own will start to own you"
Groupie Joined: July-10-2009 Location: Montana Status: Offline Points: 62 |
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Everyone needs to watch, record or TIVO Glenn Beck. He brings is all together.
Groupie Joined: July-10-2009 Location: Montana Status: Offline Points: 62 |
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I have been telling anyone who will listen that exact thing. This country is being "transformed" (Obama's words) right in front of us and if we do not stand up and throw all the weasles out of Washington this country will not be the same. Make no mistake there could come a time that the government will not allow us to use our boats because they use too much fuel, are too loud, give off too much CO2 (oh that evil gas that all green plants need to live an grow). I am screaming and will continue to anyone who will listen.
Platinum Member Joined: June-04-2008 Location: Toontown, MA Status: Offline Points: 1763 |
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If you want any of your 11 points you have to change the players in Washington. They have stacked the deck and rigged the game for themselves. We need to take back government, or nothing will ever get better. Our only chance is at election time. If your term is up your OUT. The new polititions will have to agree to pay their taxes, healthcare, social security and term limits. The only thing they truley care about is winning the next election. Why else woould they spend millions to get the job. Where else can you take a year or two off to try to get a new job without any reprecussions if you don't get it? Politics. I don't know how we do it but it has to be done. Once we have people running the country for the people then the bulls**** can be curtailed and maybe once again we can prosper. We have to stop giving the country away and start taking care of ouselves.
Groupie Joined: July-10-2009 Location: Montana Status: Offline Points: 62 |
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Most doctors are not greedy. Look at it this way. Doctors spend between 10-16 years of their life learning to take care of people. When they are done they come out anywhere between $300,000 and $600,000 in debt. Could you imagine trying to pay that off if the government begins to set salaries. Within 10 to 15 years there would be about 50% less doctors covering 46 million more people. There is one way to do that-limit access to care. Can you say Canada?? I personnaly want practitioners of all kind to make a lot of money. That way we will get qulified people taking care of us. Ok I have said enough. Got to go study. |
Groupie Joined: July-10-2009 Location: Montana Status: Offline Points: 62 |
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What would you say if the government came in and said that you can no longer charge xx for your services because it MIGHT adversely affect the economy. That is not a free capalistic economy. As I said before this is not about reforming anything it is simply about control. Do you realize that part of this healthcare bill being considered there will be an executive oversight medicare panel (only reports to the president with no oversight) that will be making decisions on what kind of healthcare will be provided to the all Americans. Lets say you get cancer and the panel has looked at the statistical chances that with the type of cancer you have there is less than a 5% chance of survial (as was the case with Lance Armstrong), than most likely you and everyone in the country with that type of cancer will be denied care. (Except the politicians since they exempt themselves from this bill)
If the government wants to do something that would be positive and really make a difference here are a few solutions that would be relatively inexpensive compared to what they are proposing. 1. Offer catatrophic coverage for every American to cover those situations that has the potential to bankrupt a family. (Like your example of the Shell employee Eric) 2. Open up the ability of Americans and companies to look beyond the state they are in for coverage. This would end up reducing cost and allowing companies to offer less expensive coverage. 3. Tort reform. For example an OB doctor pays about $500,000 a year for malpractice insurance. This will never be part of a bill because our country is run by lawyers. 4. Do not cover anyone who is an illegal alien. The way the bill is written if you reside in the US you will be eligiable for the government healthcare. That is about 12 million people. This is part of the reason that California is bankrupt. 5. Allow physicians in the Emergency Department to denie care to individuals that do not need Emergency care. This would require tort reform that will never happen. 6. If the government want to be in the insurance business have them provide malpractice insurance at a reduced cost. (I personnaly do not like this because the government is invovled. It might be ok if they did not try to dictate to the practitioner how to practice) 7. No political contributions to politicians from healthcare related or any big business. 9. Subsidise small business that are willing to offer healthcare coverage to their employees. 10. CUT TAXES, CUT TAXES, CUT TAXES AND CUT TAXES. Give us our money back, including businessed of all sizes, and get out of the way and let capatilisim work. 11. Offer temporary healthcare to the unemployeed with a time limit. These are a few ideas that would not give government complete control and begin to help and not change the quality of care we recieve or our choices. If we want new and inovative ways to keep us healthy and well there is going to be a cost associated. I saw something yesterday, not sure how accurate, that about 50% of the cost of rising care is due to new technology. I work for a university based hospital system and there are always new innovations coming out to help all people live longer. Yes we do have the best healthcare in the world and if we want to keep it do not allow the government take control. |
Grand Poobah Joined: March-14-2008 Location: MN Status: Offline Points: 4861 |
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I find it interesting which topics become hot button. They are feed to us by media and politicians and it always seems to be the private industries that are targeted. education has gone up faster than healthcare. double digit increases for the last 30 years for k-12 and college, but they are liberal institutions and get ignores. My state budget has more than doubled in the last 10 years, no mention on the news, but let a pharmicutical company make a profit and look out.
For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats.
1987 Ski Nautique |
eric lavine
Grand Poobah Joined: August-13-2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 13413 |
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another BIG problem is the Doctors writing scripts, everyone knows someone hooked on painkillers, how do they get away with it? who needs to control the greedy doctors, Painkillers are also Big Business...Agree?
"the things you own will start to own you"
eric lavine
Grand Poobah Joined: August-13-2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 13413 |
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Joe, I think the nonsense is whats going on with the black dude, not the healthcare,
Maybe not control, but caps on things, if you legally start putting caps on costs then suit will follow, in know way should a family recieve 50 million for a mistake a doctor makes, maybe it should be calculated at 2 million. I base my opinions from talking to people, 2 good examples are my next door neihbor, his wife has been sick for years and he has to make payments to me for his car I repaired for him, he worked for shell oil all of his life, he exhausted his 401 on hospital bills in the last 8 years taking care of her, I send food over or i will roll her over every time i cook out back because i know they are short on cash. another friend was recently layed off at Timken, he had to go on Cobra, because of pre-existing conditions his premiums of what he is use, eye, no deductions is 1800.00 a month. now god damn i sure couldnt afford 1800.00 a month. and the way i see it is something is wrong here. with the current trend in the system the costs will keep creeping up and more and more will be taken away, and until it affects you personally the baby wont cry, when the baby crys you feed it. Look at the trend over the last 15 years of what has happened to your own personal healthcare, did it get better? probably not |
"the things you own will start to own you"
TX Foilhead
Grand Poobah Joined: February-01-2009 Location: Kingsland TX Status: Offline Points: 2076 |
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Back to the big elephant over there in the corner.
Everyone has access to healthcare in this country with or without insurance, I think everyone has agreed to that. We also have the best healthcare avaliable any where in the world, untfortunately people aren't like cars or boats and you can't always just change out some parts and make them good as new. Health insurance doesn't insure your health, it insures your bank account in the event of a catastrophic health emergency. That is what it was designed to do originally, and I think if thats how it was used these days then things would be cheaper. You cover the regular check ups and office visits with your money, and the insurance takes care of things like when you blow your knee out on a wakeboard. That would make the doctors check their prices because I don't think many people would be willing to pay the prices they charge now if they knew what they were. I think the PA that I usually see is billing about $500 an hour if I calculate out what my insurance company and I pay for a 15 min visit. If you took the lawyers and lawsuits out of the equation, that price could probably be cut in half. Unfortunately this would require people to be responsible and not spend everything they make plus some, and there aren't enough people like that around anymore. The more important issue here is the fact that the people in Washington want to take over more of the private sector. I don't have any official numbers, but with most of the auto industry, the large banks and the healthcare system I would think they would control somewhere between a 1/5 and 1/4 of the economy. Some of them think it would be a great way to grease the campaign wheels come election time, just more lies they can promise to give you if you reelect them. What really worries me are the ones that will use this to control what ever they want. They might decide boating is dangerous and we can't do that because it would raise healthcare costs. The Constitution works just fine, the people in Washington just don't like to abide by it, that's why they should all be sent home. Sorry for the rant, I should have gotten on this one sooner. |
Platinum Member Joined: January-11-2008 Location: New Hill, NC Status: Offline Points: 1227 |
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Thanks for enlightening me Joe. I feel like I must live a secuded life... I do appreciate the explanation.
1980 Ski Nautique
1966 Barracuda |
Grand Poobah Joined: October-19-2005 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 5698 |
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Make no mistake about it, I have no idea what happened there but I can recite the average disorderly conduct police report for you word for word. Unfortunately a few bad apples have used that charge over and over to the point where it is referred to by many in the system as POPO, or pissing off police officer. The problem is it is still america and pissing off a police officer is constitutionally protected free speach unless it is done with intent to specifically block traffic or incite a riot. Therefore every report you ever read will include references to either blocking traffic or attempting to incite a crowd in a public place. If you have enough money to push it these charges will always eventually be dropped or dismissed because they would never withstand a constitutional challenge, they make it just as far as the courts and DA who have to deal with these cops on a daily basis have reach, and then only as "professional courtesy".
Moral of the story, it is America and you can't be arrested just for being an ***************, unless of course you don't have the time or money to fight it. |
Platinum Member Joined: January-11-2008 Location: New Hill, NC Status: Offline Points: 1227 |
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Per the Police report, he was arested for "exhibiting loud and tumultuous behavior, in a public place, directed at a uniformed police officer who was present investigating a report of a crime in progress". Must be some defined Law against this behavior. I see nothing that the officer did wrong in the report or from the other officer present. Just wondering why the charges were dropped and why the officer is being hounded. |
1980 Ski Nautique
1966 Barracuda |
Platinum Member Joined: June-04-2008 Location: Toontown, MA Status: Offline Points: 1763 |
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Unless you were there you don't know how this ordeal was escalating. At the time an audience gathering was turning the situation into a public spectical.
There were three cops there and they agreed it was the best way to handle the situation. The fact that this event involved a prominent black Harvard professor got Al Sharpton invloved then the cable news and then the President. Had it been you or me it would have been lucky to make the local Boston news. The charges were dropped and the prof has had his 15 min of fame. It should be put to rest. |
Grand Poobah Joined: October-19-2005 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 5698 |
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I don't know nothing about the rest of this nonsense, but no it is not proper for an officer to arrest someone that is uncooperative and challenging them. That is not against the law, it is infact only illegal to interfear with a lawful arrest or disobey a lawful order. Arrest without cause is against the law, but even worse it disrespects and endangers fellow officers who do thier jobs correctly and accept and deal with the fact that they do not have the right to arrest anyone they have an issue with, it is in fact still America. If you want to get a good look a system that only works for people with money point out to the wrong cop (nothing against the vast marority of good cops) that he is making a mistake. If your poor you get a something resembling a lawyer and you go to jail, if you have enough money to waste on a lawyer just to prove a point you will win your point, if your in the middle and need to feed your family then you have no real access to the court system and it is the cop that decided your fate as soon as your arrested, because you will take whatever deal the DA offers. Luckily I haven't been in the first or last category yet... |
Platinum Member Joined: June-04-2008 Location: Toontown, MA Status: Offline Points: 1763 |
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Heathcare = Broken wheel need a new wheel Government = Gets a set of 4 bad ass 22"s & new tires without even checking to see if they will fit, and dosen't want to wait for them to be on sale! |
eric lavine
Grand Poobah Joined: August-13-2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 13413 |
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he didnt pull the trigger and drop a gun..thats bad, they throw this *************** out there to keep your mind occupied, as they slide it in
"the things you own will start to own you"
Platinum Member Joined: January-11-2008 Location: New Hill, NC Status: Offline Points: 1227 |
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Can anyone out there help me to understand what exactly the officer did wrong ?
I keep hearing that Mr. Gates and the officer over reacted but the only specifics I hear are that Mr. Gates accused the officer of racism and would not stop badgering the officer. How did the officer over react ? Is it not proper for an officer to arrest someone that is being un-cooperative and challenging them ? |
1980 Ski Nautique
1966 Barracuda |
Groupie Joined: July-10-2009 Location: Montana Status: Offline Points: 62 |
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Some spider cracks on my recently purchased 1970 Barracuda. You think I could get some simulus money for that?
eric lavine
Grand Poobah Joined: August-13-2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 13413 |
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what else needs fixed?
"the things you own will start to own you"
Groupie Joined: July-10-2009 Location: Montana Status: Offline Points: 62 |
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Nothing is impossible (in my line of work-emergency medicine-flight nursing-you find out real quick nothing is impossible) and if cap and trade and healthcare pass, in the long run, the stimulus package will be chump change.
Grand Poobah Joined: June-24-2007 Location: Gainesville,GA Status: Offline Points: 6094 |
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I'm glad to see a few more names in this thread; some really good posts as well! People are starting to get over the kool-aid.
O'reilly has a good article on this morning. Some of the comments are even better! |
eric lavine
Grand Poobah Joined: August-13-2006 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 13413 |
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its impossible to get a bigger hosing than we did 4 or 5 months ago, right in front of our eyes
"the things you own will start to own you"
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