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Obama's Amnesty Move!!

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Hansel View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Hansel Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June-19-2012 at 12:49pm
Originally posted by davidg davidg wrote:

Originally posted by davidg davidg wrote:

Originally posted by ononewheel ononewheel wrote:

Originally posted by davidg davidg wrote:

- Walkers "big win" might not be so glorious when you consider his party also lost the leg. that night too.Well, Repubs are requesting a recount. What are you gloating for?
((( And because you are more interested in gloating, and I am not sure you understand, that means Wlaker is going to have a tough time ramming anything through.))))

OOW....Not that it matters, but, I forgot to mention that even though the Republicans lost the legislature, it is pretty much meaningless. The Senate is not in session now. New elections will be held in November, and the new Senate will then convene in January. So, its purely symbolic for now unless a special session is convened. Just wanted to make sure I provided accurate information. I know you guys are sticklers for accuracy

Yes, and part of the reason (it is my understanding) that a Democratic majority in the senate may be so fleeting is due to the aggressive redistricting by Republicans shifting the balance in their favor. Sadly just more of what I've come to expect from the "small government" Republicans that "run" this state.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote harddock Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June-19-2012 at 2:04pm
Joe, I never said the republicans were trying to buy an election. I did say that that is a democrat way of doing business and finnally the republicans are raising money to combat this. Yes, that doesn't make it right but some times you need to set a fire to fight a fire.

Go back to the last election and recount the record setting amounts Team Obama were spending. They were poised to do it again but this time republicans are ready for them.
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ononewheel View Drop Down
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Originally posted by OverMyHead OverMyHead wrote:

Originally posted by JoeinNY JoeinNY wrote:


Joe, to join a conversation with this statement is arrogant and rude. "You pedestrians booooore me. Now let me enlighten you with my brilliance". I have seen you do so much better.

By the way we pay to keep government employees and welfare recipients healthy, private industry pays for its own. We pay to protect land owned ,rented and Occupied alike. We pay to protect goods on the high sees to the benefit of businesses and consumers.

Got to admit, Boring, is an accurate description. Nothing accomplished.

Posting a topic on Obamas move, and not including the facts, which Joe provided, is not only boring, but lame too.

Same topics, or talking points, posted by a hardcore righty, who doesn't care that what the facts are or the same parties recent support, yeah, boring....I already have 24 hour Fox available.

If that is all you gained and commented from reading Joes post, better re-read it.
Are you so diluted, you cannot even agree to the money in politics
issue with no regard to which side you stand with?

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Originally posted by davidg davidg wrote:

Originally posted by davidg davidg wrote:

Originally posted by ononewheel ononewheel wrote:

Originally posted by davidg davidg wrote:

- Walkers "big win" might not be so glorious when you consider his party also lost the leg. that night too.Well, Repubs are requesting a recount. What are you gloating for?
((( And because you are more interested in gloating, and I am not sure you understand, that means Wlaker is going to have a tough time ramming anything through.))))

OOW....Not that it matters, but, I forgot to mention that even though the Republicans lost the legislature, it is pretty much meaningless. The Senate is not in session now. New elections will be held in November, and the new Senate will then convene in January. So, its purely symbolic for now unless a special session is convened. Just wanted to make sure I provided accurate information. I know you guys are sticklers for accuracy

Interestingly enough, you bring up a valid point. Mr. VanWanarrd, requested a recount over 824 votes. He pays $654 for the recount and the county pays the remainder.

Yeh, good point. How much will that cost for the count? Wait, a republican wasting the money too?

Your right it doesn't matter.   Now what were you trying to prove? Your backing the wasteful spender? Or you were saying how much this helps Walker?

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OverMyHead View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote OverMyHead Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June-19-2012 at 4:13pm
Originally posted by ononewheel ononewheel wrote:

Got to admit, Boring, is an accurate description. Nothing accomplished.

Posting a topic on Obamas move, and not including the facts, which Joe provided, is not only boring, but lame too.

Same topics, or talking points, posted by a hardcore righty, who doesn't care that what the facts are or the same parties recent support, yeah, boring....I already have 24 hour Fox available.

If that is all you gained and commented from reading Joes post, better re-read it.
Are you so diluted, you cannot even agree to the money in politics
issue with no regard to which side you stand with?

Seth, First that was another distraction from the topic at hand which is immigration. I don't need to re-read it, I read it the first time, big shock, there is money in politics, boring, I was just polite enough to let it slide since others seemed interested in it. But if I must comment, six months ago talk was that Obama had a billion dollar war chest to spend on an easy defeat of Mr Romney. And I heard no complaints from your side about money in politics, nor did you hear any from me, but suddenly Obama has angered and scared enough conservatives to bring donations out of the wood work, and Romney is leading in the polls, and it is now a big issue with the democrats. Still no complaints from me. It is how the system works, My opinion does not change with who is winning or with who's side I am on. Fact is to their credit in the past democrats have played the game better on a consistent basis. I am happy to see more participation on "my" side.
For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats.
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OverMyHead View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote OverMyHead Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June-19-2012 at 4:29pm
Seth, You do realize that this is a multimillion dollar economic stimulus package putting money in to local economies being funded entirely by a 1%er, right?
For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats.
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OverMyHead View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote OverMyHead Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June-19-2012 at 4:33pm
Originally posted by JoeinNY JoeinNY wrote:


reality is the 700,000 wont add to the labor supply.. they already have jobs- they just don't have a social security number so they can't pay taxes.

Joe, where do you get this information? Seems to me in an economy with a 8.25 unemployment rate, 15% real unemployment, and higher rates among minorities and teens, that to have 100% employment in this group is highly unlikely. Also by making them Legal they can compete for a whole different class of jobs, specifically those worked by the middle class and their teenage children. Again how does this raise up the middle class?
For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats.
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JoeinNY View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote JoeinNY Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June-19-2012 at 5:03pm
The silly billion dollar war chest talk came from Karl Rove and has been perpetrated through parrots as a fact by people that now include yourself to get people wound up enough so that they wouldnt mind the fact that 12 to 15 people decided the republican nomination and are going to try and do the same for the general election. It was never reality.

McCain got spanked in spending... nobody donated because he had no chance whatsoever of winning. Whether you are left right or purple the party of the sitting president loses when he has plunged a country from surplus to massive debt, started but not finished multiple wars, screwed up the response to a massive oil spill, and has broken the global finacial system and send the economy into free fall. Nobody ponies up to back a loser... it is just throwing good money after bad. All that being said approx 50% of obamas money came from those donating 20 or less and 50% of mccains money came from those donating 2300 or more. Obama simply had an order of magnitude higher amount of donors.. that there is democracy in my mind... whereas having 10 times as much money from 1/10th the donors is oligarchy. But there I go trying to harken back to the time when our election law was based on one that was a bipartisan bill approved by congress called McCain-Feingold... not one rammed through the supreme court by activist judges overturning a hundred years of precedent to declare a corporation a person and its money speach.

Btw the last election was the mid term election and it was won by big money plain and simple. I heard the same commerical about being nancy pelosi's best friend hundreds of times in multiple states with 10 different representatives names filled in, and people fell for it and the candidates that were bought did what they were paid to do... get into office and protect the status quo by ensuring nothing at all made it through the house for the last year and half.

I am bored and tired of hearing easily debunkable talking points spit out off the type writers of both sides each evening and then presented by the media as news or at least one side of the story, and then further parroted out on every website on the internet as fact.. especially when it is done on sites that have nothing to do with politics, immigration, etc etc, sites like my favorite boating forum. If it comes off as being directed at one party well that might be because karl rove invented it and is frankly better at it. It is the type of crap that is destroying the greatest country in the history of the world by ensuring we dont end up with one single moderate or independant member of either party in the halls of congress, I would rather it not destroy my favorite boating site as well.

60% of the people in the country agree with obamas move here, if making most of the people in the country happy is simply a cheap move to garner votes... isnt that what democracy is all about- our elected leaders doing what we want as a group and not being bought out by special interests to go against us?
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JoeinNY View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote JoeinNY Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June-19-2012 at 5:22pm
Originally posted by OverMyHead OverMyHead wrote:

Joe, where do you get this information? Seems to me in an economy with a 8.25 unemployment rate, 15% real unemployment, and higher rates among minorities and teens, that to have 100% employment in this group is highly unlikely. Also by making them Legal they can compete for a whole different class of jobs, specifically those worked by the middle class and their teenage children. Again how does this raise up the middle class?

It raises up the middle class by giving 700000 people a chance to enter it. In case you are behind on the times our net immigration from mexico is zero at this point. Asians are entering the country at a greater rate than latinos and the asians arent leaving. Those latinos that are here that arent working generally leave. Most latino's here work, and in my experience work hard.

More importantly the particular group of people we are talking about (those who came as children) tax payers have already paid to educate. Without the ability for them to pay taxes by working legally they cannot possibly repay the investment you and I have made in them.

The economy is not a limited and finite resource, they didnt take your job or lower your pay, more people working and producing more efficiently is the definition of growth. It is what makes america great, if some of those 700000 happen to end up making more than average then they will be net consumers of labor that create the demand that drives additional jobs. If all forced to work in low paying jobs then they are net suppliers of labor and do not create additional job growth... although they do still add to the overall size of the economy.

Would you rather compete for a job with a latino who is on the books one that isn't? The one that isn't is going to be working a lot cheaper and you are going to be more expensive to hire because you are paying not only your share of taxes but thiers too. Set up a fair marketplace and then lets see who wins, that is the way it worked for generations upon generations of americans. That is the only exceptional thing about america, the land of opportunity where it doesnt matter who you are just what you can make of yourself. At least thats the way it was...    
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harddock View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote harddock Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June-19-2012 at 6:20pm
Our net Mexican immigration today is zero, and I heard today Obama is taking credit for this because of the bad economy. Not my words, his. As for Karl Rove, maybe he had something to do with Bush getting funded but the democrats popularizing buying elections goes back to Joe Kennedy and problably before him.

Whenever you site Fox, and its people just remember MSNBC people all voice their opinions that some take as fact. CNN are no better and neither is CBS, NBC, and folks @ ABC. News radio is a whole other propaganda machine as are the news papers. Every story has some elements that are on and some that are off.

I resevre the right to debate these issues here, on a lighthearted just sayin tone. If it is going the route of namecalling or badgering a member because of his views I do not wish to play anymore.

Both parties can spar here as well as anywhere else, winner decided Nov 4 2012 and a new game begins.

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ononewheel View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote ononewheel Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June-19-2012 at 6:51pm
Originally posted by OverMyHead OverMyHead wrote:

Originally posted by ononewheel ononewheel wrote:

Got to admit, Boring, is an accurate description. Nothing accomplished.

Posting a topic on Obamas move, and not including the facts, which Joe provided, is not only boring, but lame too.

Same topics, or talking points, posted by a hardcore righty, who doesn't care that what the facts are or the same parties recent support, yeah, boring....I already have 24 hour Fox available.

If that is all you gained and commented from reading Joes post, better re-read it.
Are you so diluted, you cannot even agree to the money in politics
issue with no regard to which side you stand with?

Seth, First that was another distraction from the topic at hand which is immigration. I don't need to re-read it, I read it the first time, big shock, there is money in politics, boring, I was just polite enough to let it slide since others seemed interested in it. But if I must comment, six months ago talk was that Obama had a billion dollar war chest to spend on an easy defeat of Mr Romney. And I heard no complaints from your side about money in politics, nor did you hear any from me, but suddenly Obama has angered and scared enough conservatives to bring donations out of the wood work, and Romney is leading in the polls, and it is now a big issue with the democrats. Still no complaints from me. It is how the system works, My opinion does not change with who is winning or with who's side I am on. Fact is to their credit in the past democrats have played the game better on a consistent basis. I am happy to see more participation on "my" side.

I want my vote to count, sadly I haven't got 100 mil to pay for it.

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ononewheel View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote ononewheel Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June-19-2012 at 6:55pm
No, no, Obama should have waited for congress.....

Or debate it a little more, another 10 years, let's not do anything until November.....

The right thing to do was done, now move along, will of the people.
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OverMyHead View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote OverMyHead Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June-19-2012 at 7:10pm
Originally posted by ononewheel ononewheel wrote:

I want my vote to count, sadly I haven't got 100 mil to pay for it.

Votes are free, the guy with a billion gets one, or the guy who's broke gets one, some dead guys get one. In my state you don't even need an ID, Convicted felons even get one freebie, just say I did not know and there are no charges, over 2000 got away with that in 2010 in Minnesota(with a Governor race that was decided by... a few thousand votes. Influence however will cost some money, either your own or collectively from your union.
For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats.
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OverMyHead View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote OverMyHead Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June-19-2012 at 7:15pm
Originally posted by ononewheel ononewheel wrote:

No, no, Obama should have waited for congress.....

Or debate it a little more, another 10 years, let's not do anything until November.....

The right thing to do was done, now move along, will of the people.

No the will of a guy who wants to get re-elected was done. Right or wrong it was done the wrong way, and some day the shoe will be on the republican foot and you will speak differently. By the way the will of the people was 60+% against Obama care when that little offense against the constitution was done and we were told elections have consequences.
For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats.
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OverMyHead View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote OverMyHead Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June-19-2012 at 7:28pm
Originally posted by JoeinNY JoeinNY wrote:

It raises up the middle class by giving 700000 people a chance to enter it. In case you are behind on the times our net immigration from mexico is zero at this point. Asians are entering the country at a greater rate than latinos and the asians arent leaving. Those latinos that are here that arent working generally leave. Most latino's here work, and in my experience work hard.

More importantly the particular group of people we are talking about (those who came as children) tax payers have already paid to educate. Without the ability for them to pay taxes by working legally they cannot possibly repay the investment you and I have made in them.

The economy is not a limited and finite resource, they didnt take your job or lower your pay, more people working and producing more efficiently is the definition of growth. It is what makes america great, if some of those 700000 happen to end up making more than average then they will be net consumers of labor that create the demand that drives additional jobs. If all forced to work in low paying jobs then they are net suppliers of labor and do not create additional job growth... although they do still add to the overall size of the economy.

Would you rather compete for a job with a latino who is on the books one that isn't? The one that isn't is going to be working a lot cheaper and you are going to be more expensive to hire because you are paying not only your share of taxes but thiers too. Set up a fair marketplace and then lets see who wins, that is the way it worked for generations upon generations of americans. That is the only exceptional thing about america, the land of opportunity where it doesnt matter who you are just what you can make of yourself. At least thats the way it was...    

Wow, First off moving people from the lower class raises up the lower class, it does not raise the middle, I dont know how anything else can be stated with a strait face. Second we have 2% growth which is considered stagnant. The left is quick to point out the rich are getting richer, which has to come from somewhere. So I would argue that the middle classes resources are currently very finite and diminishing. so again how can we add 700,000 to the middle class with finite resources and "raise the middle class? Ask any roofer, meat packer, or hospitality worker if they have seen any jobs taken by Hispanics, and ask how that has affected their ability to participate in the middle class. What will happen in reality? Most Hispanics that want to work will not sign up, they will take their new legitamacy as a group, no need to profile them if they can be legal. But why give up the advantage of being lawless and taxless? Why not do business as usually and enjoy the leg up on the competition. Those that do not want to work will sign up and take full advantage of welfare and free medical care, and since we know the rich don't pay taxes guess who is going to pay for that? I am not that visionary, but I can see this train coming a mile away. Now again how does this raise up the middle class?
For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats.
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JoeinNY View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote JoeinNY Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June-19-2012 at 7:43pm
Dave your logic now officially goes nowhere.   

By your logic nobody would pay taxes, all people including your self would choose to work a construction job or a meat packer job under the table.

Unless of course it is your theory that Latinos themselves are lazy and inferior and don't like to work

Which not only would be ignorant and stupid it not take into account the fact that people in general who immigrate from their country are usually more ambitious than those that would stay behind

None of this has anything to do with free healthcare which we don't have in this country or even welfare which depending on which state you're in you may or may not get whether your illegal or not it is really nothing that anybody's going to move from Mexico Puerto Rico or anyplace else to live on

The rest is economics which I can't teach over the Internet
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OverMyHead View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote OverMyHead Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June-19-2012 at 9:57pm

Unless of course it is your theory that Latinos themselves are lazy and inferior and don't like to work


Joe, I know you do not like it when people perpetrate mus-truths and yet you try to pin this on me? I have never made or insinuated such. If that is your view shame on you but do not put those words in my mouth. I find the average immigrant worker to have work ethics far superior to the average government employee.In many ways they embody the American dream and spirit better than most Americans. The only knock I have against the Hispanic transplants is there tendency towards lawlessness. They often have have a complete disregard for or sovereignty, immigration laws, traffic laws and their drug cartels have a very violent streak which we are allowing them to export to our country through are legislators willingness to ignore our borders, and our law enforcements willingness to give them weapons.

As for why would they work under the table, that is a long discussion. but it is easy to do in the trades they dominate, they are used to it, to do otherwise involves change which people hate. Other reasons; competitive advantage due to low costs, IRS, EPA, OSHA, Department of Revenue, sales and use permits, business registration fees, unemployment insurance, workers comp, accounting fees, corporation filings, withholding's, liability insurance. The question is why does anyone do it legally? Why do I do it legally?
For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote ononewheel Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June-19-2012 at 10:13pm

If you have no problem other than the "tendency" for lawlessness of Hispanic, err Mexican people, I gotta tell you that just isn't true.

Really man, it just isn't. Someone from Mexico has no more of a violent nature than a Swede.

If you really have this as your objection to Latinos and Obamas decision, you needn't worry, this does not include the felons and law breakers.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote JoeinNY Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June-20-2012 at 2:52am
So your assessment is that "they" have inferior morals and a tendency towards lawlessness because rather than watch their children starve they do something about it and defy a law that has no real relation to American values or Judeo Christian principles.   Curse their desire to provide a better life for their kids than they had I didn't know how the average American could relate to that. You get farther towards crazytown when you assume they do the jobs they do because they are somehow genetically predisposed to them rather than because they are the only ones open to them. These are people no different than you... Except perhaps in the luck of their birthplace.
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davidg View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote davidg Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June-20-2012 at 3:15am
Originally posted by Hansel Hansel wrote:

Sadly just more of what I've come to expect from the "small government" Republicans that "run" this state.

I know, ain't it great! You will thank the them 10 years from now when Wisconsin has the resources to do the IMPORTANT things that need to be done in the state.

Not building some silly-assed high speed rail system between Milwaukee and Madison, or some crazy trolley that runs in a circle in downtown Milwaukee
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote OverMyHead Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June-20-2012 at 3:21am
Joe, When did I say "they" (which I can say because I am referring to a specific sub group and it is easier that typing Hispanic or illegal alien or undocumented worker or citizenship challenged over and over again) do jobs that they are genetically predisposed too? Holy crap. I have observed that "they" tend to be grouped in certain professions that are known to be compatible with an illegal status. I said they have a tendency towards lawlessness, if they are here illegally then they have broken the laws of our country which leads to a tangled web of other issues often times legal ones. They left a corrupt system looking for something better, I get that, but that does not mean someone can violate another nations sovereignty, unless of course you know that nation looks the other way when you do it. We have immigration policy for a reason. We have systems in place to facilitate that policy that everyone else in the world has to follow. You want to believe that I hate this group, but that is not the case. I don't like the United States being out of control with regards to who enters our country, and I don't like politicians that swear an oath to uphold our Constitution and then crap on that same Constitution when it does not suit their whims. Amnesty only encourages more illegal immigration. On the bright side we have a president whose economic policy is so bad that that has become a deterrent.
For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote OverMyHead Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June-20-2012 at 3:33am
Originally posted by ononewheel ononewheel wrote:


this does not include the felons and law breakers.

Seth, sorry but every person that is here illegally is a law breaker, and I have never heard of a cartel giving someone a swedish necktie.
For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats.
1987 Ski Nautique

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote OverMyHead Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June-20-2012 at 3:35am
Originally posted by davidg davidg wrote:

[QUOTE=Hansel] or some crazy trolley that runs in a circle in downtown Milwaukee

I picture Mr. Rogers trolley going to the land of make believe.
For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats.
1987 Ski Nautique

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Originally posted by JoeinNY JoeinNY wrote:

So your assessment is that "they" have inferior morals and a tendency towards lawlessness because rather than watch their children starve they do something about it and defy a law that has no real relation to American values or Judeo Christian principles.   Curse their desire to provide a better life for their kids than they had I didn't know how the average American could relate to that. You get farther towards crazytown when you assume they do the jobs they do because they are somehow genetically predisposed to them rather than because they are the only ones open to them. These are people no different than you... Except perhaps in the luck of their birthplace.

and the solution to this is forgive them and make what they do legal?
and if they are no different than me, I can do the same?

Ok, I'm glad we are clear on this
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote JoeinNY Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June-20-2012 at 11:03am
yeah thier parents brought them into the country before the age of 16 and they didnt run away and walk back home... those evil lawbreakers.

Damn Obama is only going to make them pay a fee and apply for a 2 year work permit for thier heinous act... they should be shot or minimally dumped back into a country they haven't been too since they were a young child and left to die. Now I see the light.

My solution would be to have a functional immigration system that would allow america to continue to attract the best from around the world but as that is politically impossible due to all the partisan nonsense on both sides....

not keeping those who were brought here as children and who are in or have finished highschool or who want to enter the military from being productive taxpayers is a good start.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote OverMyHead Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June-20-2012 at 11:59am
I agree Joe. Fix the broken system, change the ineffective laws. To do it right may take some time, but now that we have finished the important work of prosecuting baseball players for fibbing maybe we can get to that.
For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats.
1987 Ski Nautique

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Originally posted by OverMyHead OverMyHead wrote:

but now that we have finished the important work of prosecuting baseball players for fibbing maybe we can get to that.

I'd like to see some politicians get the same scrutiny as Roger. We'd probably never catch a politician telling a lie though.     
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Originally posted by davidg davidg wrote:

Originally posted by Hansel Hansel wrote:

Sadly just more of what I've come to expect from the "small government" Republicans that "run" this state.

I know, ain't it great! You will thank the them 10 years from now when Wisconsin has the resources to do the IMPORTANT things that need to be done in the state.

Not building some silly-assed high speed rail system between Milwaukee and Madison, or some crazy trolley that runs in a circle in downtown Milwaukee

I'd love to thank him right now for crawling back to the Feds, getting denied, and then having to pay for train upgrades on his own.

Wasn't it Pete who was just whining about poor train service just a few days ago? Yet I suppose neither he nor you actually want to pay for it. I guess spending extra money on a hose is a great investment, but spending money on societal infrastructure, well, that is liberal crazy talk!

Like Joe I never cease to be amazed at the amount of cognitive dissonance on display in these political threads. Just yesterday Dave even used the fact that the rich are getting richer at his expense in an argument against people of even less means. I don't even know what to make of these lines of argument sometimes. At least be consistent, or maybe that is what is going on. Arguments are consistently in "my" favor and against "them" no matter what philosophy or "evidence" I have to use to support my end goal.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote harddock Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June-20-2012 at 1:02pm
Since the president can do the work of congress, maybe it is time to do away with congress, and just let the president do it all. It would accomplish everything Obama wants, and get rid of 535 people no one seems to like.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote OverMyHead Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June-20-2012 at 2:11pm
how about 536 people, Obama is not real high on popularity either.
For thousands of years men have felt the irresistible urge to go to sea, and many of them died. Things got better after they invented boats.
1987 Ski Nautique

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