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eric lavine View Drop Down
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    Posted: August-13-2006 at 11:26am
were happy to answer any transmission questions at 877-369-6693 we are the countries largest overhauler of competition ski boat transmissions, and pass on the savings to the boat owner,including any tips on removal and replacement.
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79nautique View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote 79nautique Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-13-2006 at 12:03pm

intead of trying to drum up business on every post you make d*ck head.
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GottaSki View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote GottaSki Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-13-2006 at 9:16pm
Did my own, thanks.
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eric lavine View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote eric lavine Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-14-2006 at 9:19am
hey bc, I also own a 96 sport, and i spend half my days on the phone happily giving free advice on transmissions because this is my business, i usually end up saving guys like you thousands of dollars with this advice, you want about 500 references? I really do not need to DRUM up business, I will remember you when your trans takes a crap, do you want advice from the heart surgeon that did 500 transplants or advice from the one who did 2 or 3 ill leave you with that a-- whipe
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eric lavine View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote eric lavine Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-14-2006 at 9:37am
bc, oh yeah if Kieth does let me advertise the advice will still be free, you know how many times guys like you that got hosed by just having a bad $80.00 damper plate?
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79nautique View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote 79nautique Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-14-2006 at 9:40am
your talking to the wrong person I do everything myself except for the tranny and that I had my friend do and it cost me very little cash so go f**k your self

I've been in a garage since I was 5, my dad has forgot more than you have ever known about engines and transmissions and I know several Proffessional Drag racing and circle track mechanics if I need any answers ass wipe.

If you don't need the work why did you post your website and phone number on every post???? don't see the guys from the CC regional shops doing bullsh*t like that they have a little more tact I guess.
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GottaSki View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote GottaSki Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-14-2006 at 10:02am
You are obviously new to the internet.

We've seen jokers peddle their junk here and elsewhere, they always loose and look like knobs to they're potential customers like you do now, by assuming we're retards and not showing self discipline in dialog. If your were smart you wouldn't push it. Its not a matter of knowing your stuff, its about knowing your place.
"There is nothing, absolutely nothing, half so much worthwhile as messing around with boats...simply messing."

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David F View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote David F Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-14-2006 at 10:23am
Anyone with an ounce of wrenching skills could overhaul a BW DD marine tranny. Hardly rocket science.

Over on the BMW forum I visit, there is a ZF transmission rebuild specialist that freely answers transmission related questions and NEVER posts his company name, phone number or tries to drum up business. He simply responds to questions and leaves it at that. Conseqeuntly, there is no one the group trusts more than that guy. Many of the forum members use his service when the time is needed as the computer controlled ZF transmission does require rocket scientist skills to rebuild.

So, my advice to Eric (FWIW) is to simply co-exist on this forum and answer tranny questions without trying to pedal your business. Over time you can develope trust and poeple might be more willingly send business your way when they feel overwhelmed to attempt the fix themselves. Just my $.02.
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eric lavine View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote eric lavine Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-14-2006 at 10:34am
let me give you some back ground, 10 years with Paragon gear, 10 years with Twin disc,14 transmission schools (certified) traveled the world doing warranty work on zf and twin disc.6 years in business strictly repairing marine transmissions. about 98% of boat owners do not have a clue about transmissions and they call me, there is nothing worse than a do it yourselfer who thinks they can because they took left turns an some backwoods circle track
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77stang View Drop Down
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my d*ck is bigger than your d*ck
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tommer12 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote tommer12 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-14-2006 at 2:18pm
Holy cow guys... ease up on the language here... it's just a boat, it's just a forum, it's people giving their opinions on questions asked. If Eric said Keith said it was ok, leave it at that. and 79nauituqe, although your advice is always great, I think you are a little rough with the new guys who don't know you. (not saying that i know you, but your smarta33 comments are not always apperciated by all who post here)

happy tranny rebuilding
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eric lavine View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote eric lavine Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-14-2006 at 3:43pm
maybe i am guilty of advertising, I know it doesnt take a rocket scientist to rebuild a borg, but nowadays there are many different transmissions in these boats and I strive to learn them all including 630a', 450:s, walter's, pcm 40, pcm40a. my understanding of these transmission and many sources for parts brings the cost of our repairs to a minimum. for instance a customer brought his boat here on friday morning in which he had a tournament on saturday, I had the trans out rebuilt, tested, and aligned by 3:00 that afternoon, this is very common total bill: $890.00 he could not thank me enough. I just feel that I am offering a valuble resource to boat owners who may not be mechanically inclined to rebuild thier own trans. this is all i have done since 1982.boater's are suseptible to price gouging and I was just offering a different alternative than to your local dealer in which the trans would probably wind up here anyways. summers are short and i understand this and if it takes me 2 hours to walk somebody thru rebuilding thier trans on the phone i do it or ill give them my home number to call me at home
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79nautique View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote 79nautique Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-14-2006 at 4:03pm
Your missing the point there Eric, we don't care how many school's you've been too, Most don't care about your business, most don't want to hear about your business and how much you can save us, I know I can get a rebuilt BW modified to handle more power for less than 800 bucks, so I don't see the savings, I personally spent less than 400 to completely rebuild mine. most all here do all of their own work, many have rebuilt multiple BW velvet drives, 90% of the pople here have BW VD in thier boats which are pretty simple and 50% of us know when it's dampner plate or a clutch plate causing the problem or a cracked cooler causing the problem.

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eric lavine View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote eric lavine Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-14-2006 at 5:01pm
your missing the point, why are you on this site? what advice do you have to offer? maybe I'll give people your toll free number,so you can pass along all your wisdom on the not used anymore borg warner, maybe you could walk them thru a 630v rebuild. people go to this site seeking information because they are having a problem. I do about 200 ski boat transmissions a year compared to your 1, I believe at least 200 people would rather listen to me than you
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79nautique View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote 79nautique Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-14-2006 at 6:36pm
HEY d*ck HEAD ERIC, I personally offer a lot of advice far beyond a transmissions. Do a search of "79nautique" and find out d*ck head what I have done on this site for the last four years a**hole.

SECONDLY ERIC THE ASS WIPE, Look in the diaries section and figure out what model transmissions we use in our boats there are two that cover 100% of everyone that post on this site. 75% use a Borg Warner 1:1 velvet drive, 25% have the PCM powerplus 1.23:1 transmission in their boat. So who gives a sh*t about all of the other transmissions out that you can fix that we don't use on are restoration projects.


this site was started by keith to gain knowledge on how to restore and repair CORRECT CRAFT BOATS OF ANY MODEL AND YEAR. The majority of us that post here on a regular bases for the past several years, not days like some a**hole i'm respomding to, have older restored 60's, 70's and 80's boats which some members have four or more CC's and exchange knowledge on where to get orginal parts, adjusting various items on the boat and how to repair fiberglass and redo the painted graphics so that we can have the best running, best looking restored boat we can have.

You can conitue to be an ass I don't care but you have pretty much f**ked yourself druming up business form this site and who gives a f**k about a 630v tranny that no one has in there boat that is on this site.


sorry boys for all the nasty words but this ass has really gotten under my skin a little and it makes me miss tim and daves jabs, did I really say that maybe they won't read this post ssssshhhhh!!!!
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eric lavine View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote eric lavine Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-14-2006 at 7:06pm
you act like this site is looked at by you and 10 other guys restoring CC's and it pisses you off that somebody with way more knowledge is knocking on your door well guess what, knock knock, and by the way if i need advice on where to put the gas in i'll e-mail you
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79nautique View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote 79nautique Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-14-2006 at 8:13pm
maybe you should re-read the other post on this thread and maybe you should review the re-union pictures and post and notice that there are way more then 10 people that post here and maybe you haven't meet or spent time with the thirty odd people from this site that I have whisle d*ck.

You just don't get it I'll try one more time

We don't care about the advertising of your business we welcome the advice you could offer

put you choose not too otherwise you would have contributed to the the other thread where someone has asked about an intermittent problem regarding the neutral safty switch and adusting the cable going to the transmission. Obviusly you are extremely busy at your job that you don't have time to mess with this site or maybe it just the opposite your so slow that you have tons of time to d*ck around here and can fix anyone's tranny as soon as the walk up becuse your sooo f**king busy at your tranny shop. Hell Thomas even responded to your question and told you the model tranny he has but have you offer any advice sure as hell doesn't look like you've been too busy I guess to offer free advice then again maybe he isn't close enough to your shop for you to repair it.
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jbear View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote jbear Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-14-2006 at 10:27pm
Wow, I love it when you talk like that 79. I thought you'd been awful calm lately. Been in the sun to much over there in St. Pete?

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The Dude View Drop Down
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Holywood signed:
"todicus wrote: 79 is right-minus the slander."

Perhaps in this case, the slander is justified.

Eric, your advice has been welcomed here by 79 and the rest of us. However, you're really wrong if you think your credentials are going to make us ask you before some of the trusted guys on this forum. Join us for a while and you'll see...then you'll get it. I'm one who couldn't rebuild my tranny (btw, I've had bw and pcm like 79 said)on my own, but this is the first place I'd come and I'd look for advice from the likes of David F and 79 at the very top of my list.

79, "Richard Cranium?" Ha! I think that's some of the most structured and well-spelled composition from you in a while. Like jbear said, we were waiting for both barrels to blaze again.
Mullet Free since 93

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eric lavine View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote eric lavine Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-15-2006 at 8:04am
you just wont quit will you 79,thats why i gave my toll free number so he could call with the problem, im paying for the call and not asking for anything in return, my point is if for some reason he cant fix it and it winds up at the cc dealer he'll be walking out with a new trans from there salesmanship,it happens everyday, im not saying im an expert but it is at least worth a call for a second opinion
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79nautique View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote 79nautique Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-15-2006 at 9:35am
well most would rather post a question here and have it answered here and not have to pick-up the phone to call someone. That way if they forget or cann't get to it right then they can review what was said when they have the time to get to it. The majority of the members are do it your selfer's and like this site because of the reference information and the ability to retrieve that information time after time, and a year later if needed.
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David F View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote David F Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-15-2006 at 10:21am
Ok, the "richard cranium" thing was hilarious Maybe I just do not get it. Eric, where is your shop? If it is not within 25 miles of my home, it make no sense for me to try to get it to you even if I could not fix it myself. The shipping costs would be more than I would want to pay, so I would have it fixed locally. So, the only real benefit you can offer on this site is to give free advice, which is what 79 and I think you should do. And leave it at that. But, if someone has a tranny issue and you post something like: "send it to me and I will fix it" then forget it, you will get slammed.

Hey 79, jab, jab, jab, jab....
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pswann View Drop Down
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Wow what a harsh thread!!

Im looking to buy a spare off ebay and I dont want to mess with rebuilding it due to space and the learning curve since I dont need it right now. So what I want to do is instead of paying to have it shipped to me having it shipped to someone who will go through it and make it 100 percent without draining my pocketbook so when I am ready to use it it will work and last like a new one.

Any thoughts on who could get this done?

It seems like hijacking this thread will be a positive thing.
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KENO View Drop Down
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Well let's see

Why don't you call Eric and talk to him? That would maybe be a positive thing.
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eric lavine View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote eric lavine Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-16-2006 at 10:00am
I buy many trannies off ebay, the trannies are in somebodies garage for a reason, we buy them for the core value, the planetary is valuble, but still we have trans shipped here daily by fed ex, usual turn around 2 days, average cost 650.00, shipping, usually 30 each way. pcm powerslots 650.00 to 850.00 depending if drum is cracked. im giving you guys price comparisons, and the reason is I recieve calls daily and a guy will tell me they were qouted anywhere from 1200 to 1800. one customer did not use his boat for 2 months, the mastercrap (no pun) dealer wanted 5200.00 he drove here from upper mich. to my shop. r n r trans, rebuilt 5 days 1600.00. very happy clam.... by the way it was a 630v. I do need to make a living, and i do what i do because i love to boat. I know the season is short and I know there is someboby out there reading this that i have got back in the water way quicker than anywhere else
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TRBenj View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote TRBenj Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-16-2006 at 10:13am
Eric, Im not doubting your skills as as a rebuilder- but your approach on this site has been all wrong. There are many here who would appreciate some free advice, especially from someone as intimate with transmissions as you are. However, until you start treating us like fellow enthusiasts rather than potential customers, perhaps it would be best to send some advertising dollars in Keith's direction.
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79nautique View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote 79nautique Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-16-2006 at 10:25am
WOW it's amazing that he only responds if someone wants to buy or re-build still wants to pimp his shop.

What about all of the free advice?????? what about all of the other post regarding transmissions too busy to read them or no chance of a sale so why bother,   Dude your just a d*ck weed ass hole lier, free advice guess you have to call and want to send money your way deushbag
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eric lavine View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote eric lavine Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-16-2006 at 11:13am
my approach is advice to save you guys money,I am in the trans business not the gouging business, no matter what happens here i will survive, and you better seek some anger management cause you are way out of hand and have a hard time understanding why i am on this site, anyone looking at this please dont send your transmission to my shop are work sucks and we are very expensive and all i want is your money, please send it to your local cc dealer thay will be glad to treat you well. but if you need any technical advice on a transmission call me at home 330-995-4037 call collect
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79nautique View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote 79nautique Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August-16-2006 at 11:45am
Glad you still miss the point everyone has said.

Free advice is even said that you offer it freely.

There are four or five other threads regarding transmission questions and you have not offered any input. No one as questioned your abilities or knowledge of transmissions only your approach and it coming across as a sales pitch to us. It would be nice if you responded to the other questions but for what ever reason you don't. There are two other forum headers that questions get asked you seem to focus on this one thread and ignore the other questions under this heading one which was posted minutes before you responded to my comments.

So let me see if I have this right....your approach is advice to save us guys money and your in the transmission business not gouging business...... HHMMMMMM

It would be nice if you acted more as a memeber then a sales person and contributed with your free advice and knwoledge instead of telling us how much you can save us money if you do the work. What about gotaski's question about adding an extrenal tranny filter, what about the 71c tranny that they asked you about what about all of the other transmission questions that other members have asked we've been waiting to hear from your wealth of knowledge and skill.

If you act like a member and participate in the descussions then we would lighten up on you but All I see is you know everything about transmissions and we're all a bunch of dumb ass and don't know sh*t. So if and when you want to give your free advice here some might just send you some work to show case your skills and be refered to as a go to guy. But untill you do know one is going to be on your side and eventually we will get all over Keith and request your login in be removed and IP address blocked.

We really would like your insight and knowledge honestly.. we would, I mean that very sincearly and have been waiting for it. But .... I'm pretty sure I've cover that part already....

So please lets all start over and move forward with the great wealth of knowledge that you can provide us and that we are eagerly awaiting to absorb and use and eventually you'll have are respect and business some may just want to buy quality parts from you others will ship the transmissions to you but your going to have to act like a CORRECT CRAFT FAN and not a salesman ok. please let this all be water under the bridge and respond to the other questions posted where you could really help these guys out. Thanks in advance for responding to the other members questions.
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Darrel View Drop Down
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79 extends the olive branch, priceless. I have new respect for the man. Hollywood may have to change his signiture line.    
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